Faith. It’s a word that gets thrown around. Many people like to think they possess the ability to have and show faith.
Yet when the opportunity comes to practice faith, by doing something when you have little to no guarantee it’s gonna work out, they balk.
I get it, because saying you having faith is a lot easier than actually demonstrating you have faith.
The thing is, if you only move forward when you have guarantees and certainty, you’re not gonna get very far in life. You sure aren’t gonna get and keep your weight off, because you expect stuff outside you to “make sure” you do, when in reality, the buck stops with you.
And hey, if you’re okay with a safe, certain life, where you never have to work through fear to get something different (and maybe better), it’s fine. It’s your life and you can live it however you want to.
But if, on the other hand, you’re unhappy with all, most, or even some of your life, but getting where you wanna be is on the other side of fear and uncertainty, watch my video below to hear how you can lean on faith to get you through the fear.
Here’s a spoiler: Faith gets easier the more you practice it. Watch the video to hear what I mean.