We hear lots of good things about sprouted food, so even though the Code Red foods list says no grains, every so often someone asks me if SPROUTED grains are okay in weight loss mode.
No, they are not. We avoid ALL grains in weight loss mode.
I get why people ask, because there’s a lot of support in the world about the benefits of sprouting plants, such as:
1) The nutrients are more bioavailable and easier to digest (while antinutrient levels are reduced)
2) In the case of nuts, beans, seeds, and legumes, sprouting them reduces lectins (which are hard for many people to digest)
3) In the case of grains, starch levels are reduced, which may mean less spiking of your blood sugar
Also in the case of grains, while sprouting does reduce the amount of gluten, it doesn’t eliminate it entirely.
Our society is saturated with gluten, because it’s added to many processed foods, as well as non-food products like makeup, some medication, supplements, and even certain brands and types of baby food.
And while sprouted grains may not spike your blood sugar as much, or be as inflammatory, as non-sprouted grains, sprouted grains are inflammatory enough to be a problem for someone whose body is already inflamed and obese.
For those reasons, ALL grains, included the sprouted ones, are removed for weight loss mode on the Code Red Lifestyle™.
Follow the foods list (which you can get in my book, The Code Red Revolution; in a 10 Pound Takedown; or with a Home Study Program) and stay the course. In combination with water and sleep, it’s the fastest, safest way to get your weight off.
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1) On your computer, create your account at www.CodeRedLifestyle.com/App.
2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.