What Is This Episode About…
So many times, we hear people limit themselves in their weight loss or going back to college or competing in a sport, etc. because they think they’re too “old.” I’ve never seen someone NOT hit goal weight because of their age. So why are you letting your age hold you back from ANYTHING?
In many areas of our lives, age is not a determining factor in whether we can succeed at something or not, and this is definitely the case when it comes to weight loss. In the thousands of Code Red programs we have written, we have never seen someone who couldn’t hit their goal weight because of their age.
Most people use age as an excuse to not do something that they know they should be doing. Don’t be one of those people who lead an excuse driven life around age, always using excuses not to move forward in your life. Being young doesn’t give you an excuse to do what you want, and being middle-aged doesn’t give you an excuse not to do what you should be doing.
If there’s something you’ve always wanted to do, your age should not limit you. It may be going back to college, taking a trip, starting something new, starting your weight loss journey, etc., just do it. If you do a cost-benefit analysis and find something is right for you, don’t be scared, just go for it.
Tune in to this episode and learn more about taking your life back no matter your age and what you have done or not done in your life.
Key Takeaways
- Age is not the determining factor whether we can succeed at something (04:30)
- We have never seen somebody not able to hit their goal weight because of their age (06:31)
- Being young doesn’t give you an excuse to do what you want (10:02)
- Being middle-aged doesn’t give you an excuse not do what you should be doing (10:02)
- Don’t be scared to do something just because of your age (17:10)
- You can take your life back no matter what age you are (18:23)
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When Was It Released…
This episode was released October 28, 2020
Episode Transcript…
The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
Cristy 0:00
I’ve never seen someone come through our program that couldn’t hit go away because of age. Never. I agree. I’m saying racking my brains thinking Cristy, I mean, can anybody come to mind? No, everybody hit Go away, go away. And there’s 60s and 70s even. It’s just it’s not, don’t give up because you’re at a certain age. Well, that’s just always how it’s been. It doesn’t have to be that way. Not having limiting you’re letting that age limit your beliefs.
I’m CristyCode Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle, where we believe food pulls the power to heal or poison, and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.
Welcome back to rebel weight loss and lifestyle. I’m your host CristyCode Red joined by Cari Thompson. We so love being with you guys. This really is probably our favorite part of our job. And we’d love coming to you every Wednesday morning at 5am Mountain Time, we drop a new episode of rubber weight loss and lifestyle. We’re still ranked very high. Thank you, Jesus among all of the podcasts in the United States, not just in our category, but in all categories. So Cari, thank you for being with me today.
Cari 1:29
I’m glad to be here and we should thank Jesus, however, we should thank the people that subscribe rate and review because really it means a lot to us that you take the time to do it. I’ve only rated and reviewed a couple of podcasts because I was aggravated about them. So shame on me. You really should rate review something you like as well because we do take your feedback into consideration.
Cristy 1:53
Oh, we do. We read all of it. And we have over 538 ratings right now and we just appreciate all that show very much. Before we get started on this awesome subject. Cari and I are wearing our Swamis, these are blue light blocking glasses I am wearing the day swannies classic frames and Caris wearing the night wear in the classic tortoise shell frames. And this is this box, the blue light will just be like and you have harmful blue light that is coming from your devices. And back in the day and the early man days. You know, we didn’t have this problem. But now we do. So we teamed up with Swanwick to bring you a discount for Swamis.
Cari 2:35
It’s a company that we know and we like. We trust them. We’re in good communication with them. You’re getting a good product Cristy when we got ready to do this, I slipped these glasses on and I kid you not I’m not just saying that my brain went Ah, no kidding. Ah, and I went oh, maybe I’ll leave these on for the whole podcast.
Cristy 2:56
Yeah, it Caris got the tinted frame which is what is good for the night swanis. Now you’ll notice that I have clear and that’s good for day wear. That’s why they’re called day wears swanis However, they don’t block as much blue light. So you definitely need it going into evening time you need the tinted lens because that’s where the melatonin production is the most crucial. We don’t want to inhibit that melatonin production. But definitely during the day I like to wear my Swamis I’ve got three computers plus a phone in front of me plus two big lights and so it will cut down on the eyestrain.
Cari 3:31
Cristy if you are a night shift worker and you get off work and you want to be able to go to bed when you get home. You need to put these on when you get off work. Put these on towards the end of your shift wear them home, you’ll be able to sleep better I’m telling you there is it’s it’s not even a hotly debated topic. It’s not like we’re talking about women that save their placentas and eat them. We’re talking about you know, melatonin protection. We’re talking about something that’s this is not controversial.
Cristy 3:55
This is not controversial. Everybody. Everybody pretty much knows this and you can get a 15% off discount at Swanwick sleep calm by entering the code rebel or you can go to code red lifestyle comm forward slash Swamis and that’s swa n n IE s and then it’s kind of a funny name. But Swanwick is the last name of the two brothers that started the car is James interesting. Swanee Swanwick. So that’s where we get the name anyway, that’s why we’re wearing our Swanee. So let’s jump into today’s podcast. Age is not the determining factor. Whether you can succeed at something or not. Yes, yes, yes.
Cari 4:35
Do not let age dictate how your life goes. And I feel like Chris and I can talk about this because we may be what some people call middle aged now. I don’t know. I mean, it’s debatable. But we are getting to that middle age part of our lives, the middle of our lives have I live I hope not. I hope I’m going to live longer than I’ve already lived at 46? I would hope I’ll make it to whatever 46 plus 46 is.
Cristy 5:09
Yeah, 92. But yeah, if you think about, like, like middle aged, yeah, I guess technically, the average age and all that stuff and Cari and I have taken such good care of ourselves, we should live longer than that. But what we’ve noticed in the thousands of programs I’ve written, and we’ll just in this pertains to a lot of different areas of life. But let me start off with weight loss. I have seen this more times I can even count people who think well, I can’t hit that goal weight, because I am. I am now x age.
Cari 5:39
Mm hmm. I can’t tell you the number of times I have fielded emails, Cristy, from people that say, I’m five foot, whatever. And my doctor says, For a 70 year old woman, I shouldn’t be a certain size or for me, and it just is ridiculous to me. Of course, this starts the whole controversy. I get excited about like, well, if your doctor could have helped you lose weight, then why didn’t you need to come to us? We, even our own mother, Cristy said something to the effect of and mom, sorry, if I’m misquoting you, but something to the effect of I just thought I was going to be a squishy grandmother. I just thought that’s where my life was headed. So she did not think that she could get to the size she is now which is this big around. She’s tiny. And you know, it’s true. She said, I thought this is just where I was going to be.
Cristy 6:31
Yeah, she is. I believe now right now. She’s 125. And she started off at 170. So what is that? 45 pounds that she lost? Yeah, 45 pounds in her 60s. But Cari, do you remember event you guys will all remember event event. Hubbard, by her 75th birthday had lost 75 pounds, and she was wheelchair bound. And I call the event on our 75th birthday. Because it was just remarkable. We have seen people I have never seen someone not be able to hit their goal weight because of age. And all the years we’ve done this and all the thousands of custom programs we’ve come through, but yet I see people who constantly bring it up as something well, now I’m in my 40s I don’t know. Oh, I don’t know. Um,
Cari 7:17
and what’s interesting to me, Cristyis I feel like in our society, because we are so sick as a society and because we are so dependent on medication, that it becomes the norm to start having problems earlier and earlier. And I don’t like it. And that’s that’s part and parcel of what we’re talking about today is it’s not okay. And I get if you have to be on meds, do not send me a message about this. I’m not talking about things that happen and you have to be on medication. I’m talking about accepting the diagnosis at 35. Well, in my 30s Well, I can’t hike like I used to I’m 40 Well, my knees are gonna hurt. I’m 42 Well, and it just starts in Well, you know, I need a med for that. Because I’m this age. And this excuse driven life around a number is what we’re talking about today. We’re talking about you using the number to make excuses for not moving forward in your life. Mm hmm.
Cristy 8:13
Whoo, I like that. What I’ve seen but now with the standard American diet and how it’s absolutely, it is destroying our country, the standard American diet is and I’ve seen people that are in their early 20s have health problems that they should never, ever, ever have. So it’s not an age thing. The standard American diet is making everybody sick, correct.
Cari 8:35
We’re seeing a we just Cristy just wrote a custom program for someone who was 26 who refuse to take their diabetic medication. And I couldn’t believe it. I just am like wow, that’s just not something you can mess around with. It’s not like I don’t want to take my thyroid or I don’t want to take my vitamin B it’s a little different when it’s your I mean this is your the health of your eye This is not being able to feel your fingers and and and had more health problems at 26 and I have it 46 because of lifestyle. And what’s interesting is these people that say oh my knees Oh my this at 40 guests who they are at 26 there this person because they ignored it and they let it go. Which is kind of a different track than what we’re talking about. But it’s it all it it’s a progressive journey is what I’m trying to say.
Cristy 9:28
And even your son Cari at 21 years old. He is he 21 now or 2221 21 he has mentioned numerous times when he eats code red feels so good when he doesn’t then he doesn’t feel good and you would think 21 years old should be able to eat anything he wants to. I’m seeing something different. I’m seeing the kid be a lot more of lethargic and tired and not have nearly as much energy when he eats fast food as opposed to when he’s clean when he cleans it up and he cooks for himself and he you know shops clean He feels so much better. He has said that to me.
Cari 10:02
Yeah, you’re absolutely right. So what you’re saying is, being young doesn’t give you an excuse to do what you want. And being middle aged or older doesn’t give you an excuse to not do what you should be doing.
Cristy 10:12
No. Right. I like that. And I like what you just said a couple minutes ago of using your age to determine anything like this look like, Look, Okay, can I go into the military at 44 years old and go be a Navy SEAL? No, I cannot, they would let me go in and do that. I won’t, I wouldn’t be able to pass a test. I got a risk that I broke years ago. That won’t bend. I mean, I’ve got back problems like, I can’t, I’m not gonna be able to do.
Cari 10:40
Hi, Cristy. I’m not saying you can try saying like, if I was gonna put my money on somebody. I’m just saying, I’m not sure you’re picking up my husband and carrying them across the field of grenades. But I’m just saying, the time that Brandon threw me over my shoulder and hosted up a hill with me. I was like, he’s a lot tougher than
Unknown Speaker 11:02
Cristy 11:02
Yeah, I know. How about our sister Laura, she doesn’t work out or anything. And she slung me over her shoulder like I was a continental soldier, like, it was nothing. And she like, it was nothing. I was like, you’re gonna hurt your back and she like went bam. But I’m telling you, like, there are certain things that it would not be prudent for me to do at this age at this point in my life. Like I’m just saying, it wouldn’t be prudent. But that’s different than saying I can’t do something. Because like I what, I just can’t believe how many people they won’t go back to college. They won’t fix up that old car. They won’t take a trip because they just think their age limits them.
Cari 11:39
Well, range. Mal, you know, folks our age, our age. Let me tell you a little story about a gal named Charlotte. So I went to nursing school as a non traditional student a little bit later than, you know, going into school at 18. I got my first degree, went back several years later and got my nursing degree. And I went to school with a lot of amazing people. One of them was Charlotte, and Charlotte is now a nurse practitioner living in the Seattle area. And she works with hospice patients to the best of my knowledge last I remember. And Charlotte, I believe Cristy because how many years have been close to 20. Yeah, so I believe she was 40 coming in nursing school, and our close to 40. And of course, I was a lot younger, I want to say That’s right. Gosh, I hope that’s not right. Charlotte will listen to this and be like, no, Cari, that’s all wrong. But I remember that that her kids were her kids were in high school. So it would be it wasn’t traditional. And let me just tell you, Charlotte white did not let the fact that she was that age hold her back. She busted through her bachelor’s degree in nursing. She worked for a couple years and and still didn’t go well. You know, my age, I better just keep working on the floor or my age and I better just take a job with this. No Cristy she went back in with just nurse practitioner School, which is no easy feat, especially at her age, and aced it went through got her nurse practitioner and is working as a nurse practitioner, and hospice, which is what her heart always wanted to do. I always, as a young woman watching her going through nursing school, I respected her so much, because she wasn’t like, Oh, you know, I’m 40 it’s tough to work those 12 hour shifts or do clinicals or learn from an instructor that’s younger than you shouldn’t whine at all, Cristy. She didn’t make jokes about it. But she didn’t let that number or where she was in life, hold her back from her dreams. And I respect it to this day. Still respect Charlotte so very much.
Cristy 13:47
And if you are someone who is an older non traditional student or older, going back to get your CDL or older going to get scuba dive certified or older going to welding school, you need to understand that there are certain things that will be harder. If you are trying to be alignments of the county, I mean, you’re doing more physically demanding things, then you will need to take precautions and make sure that you do keep yourself healthy and strong. Because it won’t come as easy. You know, because the body does start to wear down as we get older. And you might not like just like with my back, I take precautions and I’m careful with my back nowadays. And so you’ll want to make sure that you do take those precautions and keeping yourself healthy. Now more than ever, it’s so important. keeping yourself hydrated. Make sure you’re getting at least seven hours of sleep and make sure that you’re not you’re not having any sugar. You don’t need to deal with inflammation right now when you’re trying to start an IV at 46 years old.
Cari 14:46
Well and just like what our grandma used to say, may she rest in peace or grandma Bennett you say you got to get down to your fighting weight. So you’ll want to get down to your fighting weight you want to get down to your ideal weight. CristyI think what you’re trying to describe is Something we like to call, you know, those of us in the business world. That’s a joke, Cristy. That’s a joke tune Cristy. Because here I am a nurse helping out Cristy with her business, a cost benefit analysis. So here’s a great example. Brandon is thinking about retiring from the military, you know, he’s done 24 years. And a while ago, he was like, maybe I want to be a state trooper. Now, could he be a state trooper? Yes, at 4748. Does he want to be chasing down bad guys? So it’s it? Could he Yes. Is he had a good way? Yes. I mean, he’s got some other things going on. So he’s not going to be a state trooper. But it’s a cost benefit analysis. And that’s kind of what you have to do. Like Cristy said, if you’re going to scuba dive at 60, it’s gonna be a little different than it was at 20. So you just have to do that. It was like me, Cristy, I thought about going to medical school when I was in my mid 30s. And then I was like, Okay, I’m gonna come back to medical school with this much debt. And I’m only going to have this many years to work. And I’m not sure if I’m gonna be able to pay off the debt. And again, the military won’t take me I’m too old to go work for them and let them pay it off. So I had to do a cost benefit analysis of getting that degree. Not that I didn’t think I couldn’t not that I wanted to my age to hold me back. So I do think that with age, you do have to do an analysis. But don’t let it be an excuse. There’s a difference between a smart analysis. And if Brandon, all he ever thought about was being a state trooper and letting letting that hold him back? Well, I am in my mid 40s. That wasn’t it. It was just do you want to chase people down when you’re 4748 49? Yeah, let’s leave that to the 22 year old.
Unknown Speaker 16:37
Yeah, with the herniated disc. And you know, like, that kind of stuff I’ve thought about I also dream about being a cop. A lot of people know, I love police officers. I dream about being a cop. And now and I’ve actually said to miles, like, we’re not like someday if I ever sell Code Red, I’m gonna go be a cop. And Myles is like, Are you kidding me? Like, that’s ridiculous, Cristy. But, of course,
Cari 16:59
it’s the same cost benefit analysis. Could you Yes, you could get a job. You could pass Academy, but you have to think Okay, do a mid 40s do I want to eat? You know what I mean?
Cristy 17:10
Right. But I at least I would be making that determination with the right facts. And not just because I’m scared, because I’m 44. You know, and that’s what we want for you guys. We don’t want you to be scared of doing something simply because of your age.
Cari 17:23
Here’s another great example. Cristy. My son just bought a house. Don’t buy a house. You’re only 21. I don’t know what that’s smart. I and I said to him, whoa, I am so proud of you. This is a it’s a rental opportunity, rental income Chase. If I had bought a house when I was 21. I would own a couple of houses by now. I said this is awesome. He did not let what everyone told him is the appropriate time to buy the house. He did not let what society says is our ideal ways to handle our money. He did not know that he’s doing it. In ideally, that’s not a word. But you know what I mean? He did not let this he let his entrepreneurial spirit come through. And he didn’t base on Well, I better wait till I’m 25 to buy that house, he would have missed the opportunity. By the time he’s 25. He’s gonna have four years of house payments made. I am so proud of him. He didn’t let age determine his life path is the same thing with you guys. Don’t let the fact that you’re 50 or 60 or 70. Make it okay for you to stay 4050 6070 pounds overweight, you can take your life back. I don’t care if you’ve been drinking Pepsi since 1962. You can still drink quit drinking Pepsi if you really want to. I don’t care. Have you been eating hohos since they came out, you can still quit eating hohos you can still take your life back. Even if you’ve been diabetic for 20 years. Cristy, they can still take their life back. Yeah,
Cristy 18:55
Nancy Bond was diabetic for 30 years and in the first time that she was was healed was in her 50s. And she didn’t even know that was possible. That is so true. Cari, I’ve never seen someone come through our program that couldn’t hit go away. Because at age never. I agree. I’m saying racking my brains thinking Cristy I mean, can anybody come to mind? No, everybody hit Go away, go away. And there’s 60s and 70s even. It’s just it’s not? Don’t give up because you’re at a certain age. Well, that’s just always how it’s been. It doesn’t have to be that way. Not having limiting. You’re letting that age limit your beliefs.
Cari 19:31
Yes. And and again, it can be on the young side. It can be on the old side. Do we do that? Why did we do the other day and Marie said I want to be a Disney Imagineer. I was like, you know, my, my practical mom’s side was like, what, what? But I was like, why not? Somebody’s got to do the job. Why do I would never say to that child? Well, you know, I mean, I’m not sure how many of you hire every year. In Disney and you’d have to move. I didn’t say a word I said you can do it. Same thing with Chase. Yes, you can buy that house. Grandma Betty. Yes, you can lose that. 40 50 pounds. I don’t care if you are 80. You can. Are you in a wheelchair? You can you only have one leg? You can? Yes, you’ve had diabetes for 40 years. Your blood sugar is out of control. Guess what? You can?
Cristy 20:23
Absolutely, yeah, it’s a new day. And I started Code Red. I was 40 years old. The day that Natasha came to me to change everything. It was my 40th birthday was April 5 2016. Yeah, it was my 40th birthday was the day that I met her and that’s when my life changed. And and and i single handedly went from being on not single handle yet. It takes a lot of people to help me but went from being on Idaho State food stamps to a $10 million company in so for four years. That is I didn’t start making a difference in this world truly until I was in my 40s. So there really is nothing holding you back. Except you seriously, except you in up in here. So what how are you going to how are you going to view this? How are you going to use another bullcrap excuse? Or are you going to step through and say Yeah, and that’s why I show you those before and after pictures all the time. Every day we post another before and after picture to help you believe in you. When you don’t have it in you yet. See, we love you on code read until you can love yourself. We wrap our arms around you and hold you up and say Nope, nope, nope. We’ve seen it before. But you can do this. Absolutely. And then you start believing. Yeah. You know what Sally did it. So Cari, people tell me all the time. They’re all the code revolution book is just a bunch of success stories? Well, first of all, it’s not. But number one, number two. Number two, the fact that I put all those success stories in there is the The reason I did that is so that one of those will resonate with you, you can see that she did it. I can do it.
Cari 21:54
Right. Right. One thing I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older Christopher, little piece of wisdom with I feel like we should be at Cracker Barrel visiting over coffee. When I tell you this, I don’t know. We should be a Cracker Barrel visiting Yes, but for a different reason. I feel like if I were going to impart some middle aged woman wisdom to people, I would say the one thing that I have felt as I’ve gotten older is number one, I don’t feel any older inside. Even though I know that I’m closer to 50. I don’t I still feel like a 20 year old woman. So I truly believe that this is a universal thing. I think all of us sort of feel that way. Until we can’t, you know, you know something happens? And you’re like, Okay, well, you know, but I truly believe that that 20 year old man, or that 20 year old girl inside you, that doesn’t want to be overweight, that doesn’t want to take pills for diabetes, that doesn’t want to struggle with hypertension, and peripheral edema and all those things. This, they’re still inside you they want to come out, they want to be healthy, they want to take their life back. So you can’t tell me that I’m going to feel different at 70 than I do right now. Because I believe I’m still probably going to think in my head that I’m 20 even though I don’t look that way, or even though my body isn’t that way. So I truly believe that those of you that are listening, that are middle aged, and beyond that there’s still that 20 to 25 year old 30 year old person still inside you that wants to get healthy that wants to take their life back that wants to change the trajectory of their life.
Cristy 23:29
Oh, I tell you I that was so well said I was overweight in my 20s and I was overweight on in my 20s maybe I wasn’t now I guess I was fighting I was fighting from 24 to 34 years 24 to 30, something like that. So but then I started getting overweight. That’s how code read began. But I feel better now than I’ve ever felt. Me too. And especially with some Botox and a little bit of filler. I mean, my face is holding up good. And yes,
Cari 23:56
I can or cannot deny that I have the same thing going on. Look, I can’t squinch
Cristy 24:02
Yes, right. I don’t I can’t squint. I don’t want to
Cari 24:05
there ain’t no shame in that game.
Cristy 24:07
Oh, we hope you guys enjoyed this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. And of course, the rolling challenges every month is a great place for you to get started for $47 you could lose at least 10 pounds in 30 days without shakes pills, diet foods or exercise. And a lot of you guys might be on in your 60s and 70s and 80s. And you you choose not to exercise or you can’t you got a bump back or a bum knee. This is perfect for you because you can still lose all the weight you want without exercise. Cari, thank you for bringing such great knowledge to this podcast.
Cari 24:38
Thank you. I love being here. Thanks for letting us share our hearts with you guys. We love that.
Cristy 24:43
Yeah, we hope you guys feel the same way or maybe your heart is changed. After listening to this. We’ll catch you on the next episode guys. Thank you everybody.
Thanks so much for listening to this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. Do you have a question that you We’d like you to answer raw and uncut on the podcast. Then all you have to do is head over to Apple podcasts on your phone or computer and do three simple things. leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast. And in that review, ask anything you want related to help weight loss or mindset. And if you want a shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name, that’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered live raw and uncut on the next q&a episode, so I’ll see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.