What Is This Episode About…
In this episode, Cari and I will discuss the importance of list-making, what it’s like to live an organized life, and why everyone should consider living an organized life. Making a list helps a person in planning their day or week, and when they get things down on paper, they no longer have to wonder or worry about anything going wrong because even when unexpected things come up they’re better prepared to adjust. When someone has no plan at all they easily go in circles and become scatterbrained which even becomes stressful because nothing gets done.
Organization is important even for kids and it makes a huge difference in their lives growing up when they’re taught how to be organized at a tender age. Making the bed, for example, is a major way one can learn how to be organized all the way into adulthood. Research studies show that when people make their bed, it sets them up for good decisions all day long. Of course, the majority of adults don’t make their bed because they have someone else doing that, but it’s a simple way for one to start their day in an organized manner.
Making the bed is even one of the techniques used in helping people with mental illness, especially depression because making the bed creates the impression that one cannot get back into bed, and so that helps with their mindset. Cari and I will share some actionable listing making 101 and talk about our experiences with being organized so you can have the tools and resources you need to implement it into your life and start reaping the benefits immediately.
Key Points of Discussion
- The value of living an organized life and how to instill it into kids (02:30)
- The one good indicator of a person’s level of organization in life (05:12)
- How putting little things on your list will keep you motivated (11:47)
- The power of list making in helping someone achieve financial discipline (15:20)
- The value of being specific about the things you’re writing on your list (20:33)
- Doing a brain dump to get better sleep (23:47)
- Feeling that good feeling of crossing things off with a sharpie (29:08)
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When Was It Released…
This episode was released April 29, 2020
Episode Transcript…
Disclaimer: This Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
Cristy 0:00
Making a list makes a plan. Getting those things down on paper gives you a plan of what to do and you no longer have to wonder or worry and like go in circles and kind of be scatterbrained a little bit over. And how many people do a half of this and a half of that, and they come back over here, and then they go back over there. Guys follow a list. Stay organized, stay on track. This is not just for any specific person. This is for all of us. We all can make a list and stay on track.
Intro 0:33
I’m Christy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food holds the power to heal or poisoned, and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straights up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.
Cristy 0:59
Welcome back to rebel. Weight Loss and lifestyle. I am your official host Christy Code Red, but I’m always well, not always, but I love when I’m joined by Carrie Thompson second in charge. Carrie, thank you for being with me right now.
Cari 1:12
Thank you for those of you that don’t know I am the co host that titl. Can we talk to somebody about me getting that tied up? Also, I am wearing my unity shirt. For those of you that are watching on YouTube, I’m gonna lean over. So you can see my unity shirt limited edition thing that Christie did recently and I love it. I’m going to live in it.
Cristy 1:34
Well, I wish I would have known you were wearing yours. I would have worn mine. I that looks so good on you. I knew it would.
Cari 1:41
Oh, thank you. We do have some matching shirts we could put on the next time we podcast. Yes.
Cristy 1:45
That’s right. We could be twinsies That’s right. Thank you for joining us on another episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle ranked really high and it’s all because of you guys with your ratings and your reviews and your loyalty. We are so thankful for that. This doesn’t go on notice, and we appreciate that we appreciate all of your involvement. Don’t forget 10 pound takedowns calm is where you can go to get started with Code Red. Don’t click on it in the show notes while you’re driving though please don’t mess with your phone while you’re driving. Please just drive both hands on the wheel. Guys Today I love this subject. I love all the subjects but I really love this one because it just kind of makes me salivate when I think about we’re talking about the joy of crossing things off your list.
Cari 2:30
Yes and I love this because I think it’s been a couple years ago Chrissy that the whole Marie Kondo sparking joy Marie Kondo thing kind of came into light I know I binge watched all of the she only had one season I believe, I binge watched all of them. But even before that, Christy You and I have lived very organized lives and I believe that it has led to success in so many areas. And so today we want to talk to you about what it’s like to live an organized life and why you should maybe consider living an organized life.
Cristy 3:05
And I remember being kids carried now I don’t know how Mom, I don’t know. Let me just tell you because I know we were raised the same but I took it maybe different than you maybe not. But I remember I specifically remember the day that mom taught me how to make my bed. And we had books. I remember those books that taught us how to make our bed. And then she came in there, she showed me how to do it. And the way that she has so much joy when she was teaching me and so much excitement that she was making it to me parents, listen, parents, you have more influence on your kids than what you think. And so she was really excited when she was telling me how to make my bed and she was just like, Look at how beautiful this is. Look at this. And then now when you go to clean your room, you first make your bed, everything goes on your bed, and then you go from there. Read I remember from that moment on I have has such I always wanted a clean room and a made bed.
Cari 4:03
Christie I make my bed every morning every morning without fail. And it’s just become a habit and of course my husband’s this way. In fact, I gotta tell you something funny. I just heard because Emory’s room is close to my studio here my studio, otherwise known as my office, otherwise known as a spare bedroom. And I just heard a conversation between Sergeant Major Thompson and Anne Marie, for those of you that don’t know my husband is active duty military 24 years, and I just heard a conversation between the two of them and he said, I need you to get out of bed and make your bed and she said, Okay, and then he comes back and he goes, That’s not how you make your bed. Because she doesn’t like a top sheet so it was all rumpled. Well, I just went in to say something right before we started, and Christy, the top half of the Comforter was folded down perfectly. Oh my
Cristy 4:51
gosh. I said, Oh, I said, I think Sergeant Major made this bed and she was like,
Cari 4:57
hey, help me I was like, clearly Clearly you don’t have a folding your bed. You
like the Comforter was like a perfect three inches.
But I think that one good indicator. Now don’t be writing the nasty letters because I’m saying this they’ll be putting mean things on this podcast right here. But I think one good indicator of your level of organization in life and your level of joy of lists and all that kind of feeling that kind of organized life. You’re Marie Kondo ish how Marie Kondo ish Are you okay? That is indicated in do you make your bed every morning I’m just gonna say it Christy, I’m gonna be bold, I’m gonna put it out there. If you don’t make your bed. I have a feeling not everybody, but that your life may be somewhat chaotic from the bed on out and again, this is not everybody. Some people could run fortune 500 companies, of course they probably have people that make their bed. But then they maybe don’t make their bed. So I’m not saying everybody
Cristy 6:04
Well, there are studies that show that when people make their bed to attend to, they set up your day for good decisions all day long. So what are you doing? And lots of people have done speeches on this and stuff. You’re making your bed and you’re starting right off with a serotonin hit, or dopamine. I don’t know, I don’t know enough about the brain chemistry, but you’re starting right off with a decision to make the bed and then getting something accomplished right off the bat. And you’re and it looks good. And it’s a good feeling. And I’m telling you, I know, it sets up your whole day of making good decisions. I mean, do we always make this good decisions all day long? No, but getting that bed made is getting you on the right track.
Cari 6:45
And one of the things that I know again, depression is a very horrible thing. And I don’t think Chrissy nor I, I mean, we everyone goes through bouts of blahs, but like a major depressive disorder where you can’t get out of bed and it’s a horrible Horrible those are horrible, horrible mental illnesses to suffer from. It’s awful. But one of the things that we do work on with people with mental illnesses is you’ll say make the bed because then you can’t get back in it. Well of course you can. But I think that is the mindset is it helps them set themselves on the right path the day again, mental illness is awful. I don’t think that making a bed is a solution for everything. But it is one of the techniques that they use is get up make the bed if that’s all you do, just get out of the bed and make it so Christine I think the very first thing on your list every day, your list should be making the bed. Christy I have so many lists things I miss on like within reach this one. This one I have an Oh, I have a typed out one right here. I just can’t seem to help myself. I if you ever want to send me a present, it could be one of those from the dollar store those you can tear off the top and it’s like to
Cristy 7:58
do it today and it’s good. giraffe all the way up the side. I don’t care. I love this. I’m telling you, I like I have a perfect like size like right here that got this from Katy, Texas and I used up this is the very last sheet, but this is a good size for me. And I have to have my right pen, you know, and I have different pen options, but I gotta have my pen. And I keep the little notepad around as well. I’m a list maker, and there is so much satisfaction from crossing things off your list. Now you can become obsessed with. I mean, Joyce Meyer talks about like, are you kind of in a negative way sometimes she makes a point about Are you a list maker, but if she says we just feel so prideful about our list, like look at how much I got done, but I do and she kind of makes it into it like because sometimes we take it too far. I don’t think we take it too far. I think it’s incredibly satisfying to make a list and cross it off.
Cari 8:51
I do too and you have to here’s the deal. I don’t know if Chrissy knows this. Everyone that has OCD. Can I get a Can I get it? Yep, yep. But have to use a different pin to cross off. Yes, yes.
Cristy 9:05
Yes, yes.
Cari 9:07
If I’m gonna cross it off, it has to be a marker.
Cristy 9:10
Well, it’s got to be the size of a horse’s leg.
Cari 9:12
Yeah, it’s got to be a marker and you can cross it off. If you write it with a fine point pen, you have to cross it off with a black sharpie. I saw a black sharpie wants to sponsor me.
Cristy 9:29
Yes, I’m all for it
Cari 9:30
code, right, carry it. But I have to I have to cross it off with a sharpie. And that way you can get these big lines, you get the feeling Krissy if things are really bad in my life, you can always tell if things are bad, if things are stressful if things are I’m up against the wall, because I’ll type out my lists.
Cristy 9:51
Oh, when you know that it’s gotten real.
Cari 9:55
It’s it’s real Thompson household when I actually type out my list. So I’m feeling overwhelmed. This this will probably be carrying Christy’s mental health. Let me tell you, because people could probably listen to this and be like,
Cristy 10:08
Yeah, what,
Cari 10:09
but it was, I find a certain amount of solace and comfort in typing out the list on a Word document and printing it and then setting it down. It’s bigger, I can see the whole thing. I can get a big picture. Do you know what I mean? I know for me, yeah, I know. You mean, and for me also, it’s kind of a happy and a sad day,
Cristy 10:29
when I’ve got everything. I have 10 items on my list. They’re all crossed off, but two of them, and I don’t have any more room to write things more below it. So I start a new list. I take those two, I put them on a new list. Well, now I don’t have the satisfaction of seeing all those cross off items. And so it’s it’s a happy day because I got eight of them done. But it’s a sad day because I don’t get to look at the black sharpie. Mark. That is so funny.
Cari 10:54
You’re like to start over. It’s like starting a new book series.
Cristy 10:58
And you can be you can really become obsessed. With like, you got to be careful here like to not get too crazy about not being able to finish your list. I mean, I know that for me, and I’ve been transparent about this, that a good day, a productive day for me is getting things off that list done. And if I don’t, it is not a productive day. It’s almost a wasted day. Now, I think that’s taking things a little bit too far. I think that it’s like really Christie a wasted day. Now, a lot of you guys listening right now you’re wasting days. You’re binge-watching Game of Thrones, you are screwing around on Instagram, you are just sitting around in your pajamas all day long. You really aren’t getting anything accomplished. That’s not good. Now becoming obsessed about your list. That’s not good. We don’t want you to swing from one way to the other. We want you to fall right in the middle. But there is so much joy from crossing up your list.
Cari 11:47
And one thing I think that really will help Chrissie people is that if you’ve never been a list maker, put little things that you’re going to do anyway on your list because it’ll keep you motivated. So if you’re gonna drink if you’re a Code Red Red Bull and your green drink your gallon of water every day. Put your 20 ounces you know however many 40 ounce bottles like if for me it’s 340-ounce bottles I put that on my list it’s good to go and then you can cross them off. I’m going to get out of the bed. I’m going to get in the shower and put on makeup put I do this sometimes when I’m struggling I’ll put shower and makeup and it’s there’s something there’s the power it proposes you forward proposes it. what propels health There you go. I don’t know why I said proposed. It propels you forward when you have when you are moving forward on list. So then you say things like in don’t go crazy. Do all the laundry guys. Here’s a tip. Put away the laundry that’s currently on your bed. You don’t have to say do all the laundry because that might be overwhelming to you. So you may put in wash and dry one load today. That’s okay. It’s okay. If you take the basket that’s currently on your bed and put it away. You’re making progress. We told my graduate students, as long as you’re moving forward, as long as you just fail, if you fail, you’re failing forward, all we want for you is to move forward. Little changes makes such a big difference. So if it is, if it’s you putting away that one thing of laundry, if it’s you writing down your water, if you say I’m going to do a 15-minute yoga class on YouTube today, it’s just making little changes that move you forward to being better and getting things done and lists help so much I can’t put a list on the phone that feels low. I can’t
Cristy 13:35
I’m with you know if I don’t
Cari 13:38
have piece of paper and pencil, then this list is not getting written like putting a list on my phone.
Cristy 13:43
What do you think I am? Yeah, what is this? Yeah, what is this? I’m with you and people I do everything on my phone, my phone, I don’t even walk across the room without my iPad tucked into my arm. So I do everything. But that’s the one thing I can’t now. I will tell you I like to I like to What you said put things that you know you’re going to do on your list. I think the good word for that is primes it Prime’s you for getting things done. I just thought of that as you were talking and that does it Prime’s you for Okay, what’s next on my list I there are so many people way smarter than us that have done like they’ve had a whole career just based on this whole thing and the psychology behind it. We don’t know that’s not in our wheelhouse. We just know what we know. But there is so much power in helping you keep track and stay on track and accomplishing now I’ve had a head injury, I sustained a head injury called second impact syndrome back in 2006 2005. To remember one of those and so I can’t remember certain things and people joke on I just a part of getting old. Well, at the time of this recording, I’m 44 I don’t think I’m old. I don’t feel old. And but I cannot remember anything unless it goes on the list. I mean, it has to go on the list right? Then like whatever I’m doing. I’ve got to stop. I got to put it on that list right then.
Cari 14:58
Yeah, and I am That’s second impact injury is like what the NFL pit players have it’s a very serious thing and I Chrissy does really well but she also recognizes it and plans for it which is the biggest part but I think that you’re right Christy writing it down and Christy I have never even hit my head. I can’t remember.
Cristy 15:17
You have no excuse. No excuses.
Cari 15:20
I mean, I’ve smacked it a few times, right? It never got hit in the head that I know of. The one thing I have a story to tell Are you ready Chrissy? Yeah, I’m ready. This is kind of very personal. And I’m a little bit shocked. I’m sharing this but I want to tell you about a story about my husband and I we very first got married. So we very first got married. And you know, Christy and I are both Christians. And I had been very overwhelmed. Now we did well financially, but it was I felt like we were paying little bills to everybody. So like this to this and this to this and this to this and this and this and it was just terrible. Well, I had really been praying about it and trying to figure out what can we do and we didn’t really have a great idea. have what we actually we knew we could pay our bills and we had money left over that wasn’t it. It was just that we didn’t have a good idea of the big picture Christy. So I felt like God for those of you who believe in God said to me, You need to get this part of your life figured out like you need to get this in order carry. having enough money for your bills doesn’t mean you’re in a good financial place. Do you know what I’m saying? Hmm. So Christy, I sat down, and I call it embracing the monster and I embrace the monster. I wrap both arms around it, and I sat down with a stack of bills and I was like, so I know we’re paying $25 a month to Sears. But how much do we owe to Sears? You know, that kind of thing. Right? And Christy? I made a list and it was painful. It was painful. And it was stuff from you know, my husband has been divorced. So it was stuff that you know, his ex has left him with it was moving expenses. Again. This has been years ago guys, this has been years ago. And I said to him, I feel like I need to show you this list and he was like but we have enough money for our bills. And I’m like, but that doesn’t mean anything. Anyway, the list was key guys. I wish I would have kept the original list guys, because I put on it Carrie and Brandon’s plan. And I work through all of those debts. And I think it was a year we had them. We use a method called the snowball method. You guys are all aware of how that works. I’m not going to go over financial stuff. That’s not my point. But Chrissy every time he and I got to cross off Sears 1100 dollars paid off, cross it off, and then it was, you know, Cabela’s, you know that meat grinder $600 crossed off. I mean, we paid within a year, year and a half, we paid all of it off. And I’m telling you, it is because I was brave, and I faced it. And I made a list. Having that list up on my bulletin board, like the one I have over here was key to our success, because no longer was it Oh, I think like you guys. Oh, I may have meal prepped. I think there’s so many grants. Have carbs in an egg or Oh, I think I drink this much water. I think we owe $2,000 to this visa, it was none of that. It was clear it was black and white in front of me and I couldn’t run from it. And I think that’s kind of the message even though that’s kind of an embarrassing and painful story to share with you guys. That’s the message I want to share with you guys is that if you make a list, if you get your life in order, and if you put the simple things be very specific on your list, empty one load of laundry, put it away. That’s okay. I’m going to clean out everything that’s in the sink today. If it’s 10 days worth of dishes, get them out of there, don’t put clean the kitchen, but clean the sink. So you guys this or prep for two days, I’m going to meal prep for two days. I’m going to cut up my veggies and get them in baggies today. That’s my goal for today. So these are things that you can do that will ultimately start to organize your not only your life guys, but your health. Do I care what your clauses look like? Not really. But do I care that you lose that extra 30 pounds? Yeah, I do. And I think that these kinds of things can trickle down into your health journey.
Cristy 19:12
Well, there is so much power in facing the demon and there is a shame called what gets measured gets managed and that’s what Carrie did. She embraced it. I know that for me like just touching on your point, Carrie, I instead of just saying do floors, I put sweep floors. And then the next one, I put mop floors. Now I had two things to cross off. It’s not just I don’t lump things, I break it down. The granular you get the better and that’s more things you get the cross off your list, and it does it trickles down into every area of your life. It’s not okay, that you we don’t on code, right? We don’t fly by the seat of our pants. We just don’t I mean on a custom program, it is required that you have every drop of every gram of every morsel of every crumb, pre-planned pre-measured and pre logged the night before. That’s not a customer. program that’s not on one of our challenges. But if you decide you want to really lose the weight and get all the weight off and get it off fairly quickly, then you’re going to want to do a custom program and understand that is what is going to be required of you that you’re going to have to make sure you stop. You say just a second, Monday’s a break. Hold on, not mommy’s a second, give me five minutes kids and you say, what have I got thought out? What can I put, I got to measure it. I got to you know, weigh it out. And that detail is what helps you it does trickle and man these being this detailed in your life does trickle down into every area of your life.
Cari 20:33
Right. Don’t write exercise today, if that’s part of your health journey, right? I’m going to go downstairs. I’m going to turn on because you know maybe the gyms closed. I’m going to turn on YouTube. And I’m going to do a 20 minute booty blaster video. You know what I mean? Just put the 20-minute button then you don’t have a way. Maybe you guys don’t do this, but I try to wiggle around and wiggle out of it. Well, okay, I did half the floors. But if you force yourself to be specific. I believe it leads like chicken in the crockpot. Okay, this is for people that for instance, want to eat. I used to do this with pot roast, you know, put a pot roast in and then divvy it up for the days. Because again, Christy’s saying with the custom program, you do that. So if you say, pot roast in the crockpot Saturday morning, that it’s in and then it’s like put crockpot in individual glass containers done. So I think Christy’s right being specific and walk with family. two laps around the block that is very specific, that is manageable. You can do that. And I’m telling you there is such a sense of pride. I don’t know about you, I am motivated. Christie, I still make lists for my kids. I do well,
Cristy 21:43
I was just gonna bring up the kid because I think parents you guys should have a chore chart and it should go on the bottom half of the refrigerator that’s at their eye level. And I don’t care how small they are guys. Your little kids can pick up dog poop because it’s just like picking up easter eggs. It’s not heavy. It can be done. No, it’s not as far as the weight goes, as far as the weight and the distance of the ground until my physically, even little kids can pick up dog poop, put a little glove on or teach them how to put their hand in the bag and to protect their hand. And guys, a chore chart might include making your bed and might include whatever is appropriate for your three-year-old and I think you should start them young. But then they get to push a checkmark on the chore chart next to whatever they accomplished. And man, talk about a sense of pride. I do
Cari 22:28
I give Anne Marie I’ll take a sticky I mean I oh my lord Christie, I have I can’t open this because my microphones attached but I have 5 million stickies over here. And I’ll take a sticky and I’ll put I need you to do this, this, this and this. And I’ll put little boxes and maybe one of them says take a shower, wash your hair, brush your teeth, and I have a whole list like I need you to unload and put away or you know unload the dishwasher, put away your laundry, and I just say I need you to do these things. And man, that kid will get started on it. You will be setting your kids up for a lifetime. obsessiveness No, I’m teasing, you’ll be setting your kids up for a lifetime of being organized. And when you get to college, if someone’s going to college, those of you that been to college know what I’m talking about Christie knows, especially graduate school, you have to stay on it. Do you know why people I used to teach online graduate school for nursing? Do you know why people fail? At online graduate school for nursing? It’s not because they don’t have time. It’s not because they don’t want the master’s degree. It’s because they cannot get themselves organized krisi they cannot get themselves organized. And that part of that is understanding how to prioritize work and workspace. And I just think that was the main reason people would go well, I’m just so and I would just go, that’s not really what’s going on. You know what I mean when I was teaching,
Cristy 23:47
it’s a great point. Another thing that you might find difficult if you cannot sleep, and I have had this happen for me before, get up and do a brain dump. Take a pen to paper and start writing down everything. the thing that is on your mind I’m not the first person to say this I won’t be the last but it is very it really pre you to at least put your thoughts down on paper and help get those thoughts off your mind off of your worry you’re in you’re worried about it and then have that get it organized down in on the sheet of paper at least get it off your mind you can finish you know two o’clock in the morning you got another four hours of sleep.
Cari 24:23
Yeah and just to unpack that a little bit more Christie for me if I’m stressed out and I make a to-do list right before I go to bed. I don’t have to do a brain dump like Sally really made me mad and my husband’s currently snoring. For me. It is if I can just make a to-do list I’ll bring in and I’ll just sit in the bed and I’ll say to Brandon Okay, what do we need to do tomorrow? And I’ll write it down and Chrissy a sense of peace comes over me and I’m okay to go to bed because I have a plan for as soon as I wake up, no matter how bad your day is, no matter how you will just feel so much more. Just so much more. organized and it brings a sense of calm some of the things that I noticed. Let me just bring this up as an example. Christie. So having been ICU nurse for many years, I had the opportunity to train a lot of nurses. And I found the ones we would call them swirler ers. How many nurses out there like a man I’ve met these nurses, and they have so much to do a really bad situation. So let’s say a person laying in the bed. We think they have a bad you know, some kind of a, you know, like a DTE. Oh my gosh, I can’t think of what I’m trying to say a blood clot. I don’t know why that was left my brain. So they have a they have some kind of thrombosis and so you need to get an ultrasound you need to get blood work, we got to get them to CAT scan, we got to and so then the doctor will give you like 10 orders, all of them important, all of them at once. But we need to see where this blood clot is we need to understand what’s going on. And nurses won’t know how to get it all organized. krisi so they’ll just kind of I’ve seen them literally just stand and go in circles because they don’t know what to do first. And the best nurses I’ve trained are the ones who can go. Okay, so we need a CAT scan, we’re going to need an X-ray, we have to do bloodwork. So while we’re getting ready to go the CAT scan somebody in a write it down, somebody can come in and draw the blood. So let’s get that done. We have to do the ultrasound when we get back. Do you know what I mean? They stay really organized. And then they kind of, and I’ve met nurses that literally have lists for their shift. And when I was new, I had a list Did you do this? Did you do this, and I mean that you avoid swirling, and swirling is not just nurses swirling is in real life. It’s moms, it’s executives. You don’t want to sit there and go in circles because you don’t know where to start. And if you’re wondering where to start a list is a great way to start
Cristy 26:41
making a list makes a plan. Getting those things down on paper, gives you a plan of what to do and you no longer have to wonder or worry and like go in circles and kind of be scatterbrained a little bit over and how many people do half of this and a half of that and they come back over here and then they go back over? There, guys follow a list. stay organized, stay on track. This is not just for any specific person. This is for all of us. We all can make a list and stay on track.
Cari 27:11
I agree and it is DBT
Cristy 27:13
Cari 27:15
I do know my stuff y’all would like to
Cristy 27:17
hear out of the game for a little while.
Cari 27:19
I’m telling you like he just left my brain. Well, what I was getting mixed up was DVT deep vein thrombosis and vt is venous thrombotic events like you just have a clot somewhere. And so I was getting those two mixed up in my head because I was trying to tell the story and think of a character, a character for my story. I don’t know why I make things more complicated they have to be, I need to write that on my list.
Cristy 27:41
Research on thrombotic events. That’s right. We hope this helps you guys with if you’re not a list maker, we strongly encourage you to become one personally I can’t believe anybody can get through a day. Just remembering what they have to do in the order in which they have to do it. I can’t even wrap my head around that at all. I don’t know how you’re accomplishing anything so
Cari 28:04
if you agree but that’s how we are you know, and we would love for you to at least try this if you’re having trouble getting organized, I would love for you to try you know just adding a few things to a list and see how it goes for the day.
Cristy 28:17
You know getting the list done is going to take the pressure off of you to have to remember everything. There’s no way you can you’ve got too much going on. And then you get frustrated with yourself when you don’t remember you forget something. And I tell you carry just the other day with you. You asked me to do something and I tell you I didn’t write it down right then and I flat out forgotten it was a really big deal. And I that really I haven’t stopped thinking about that and that has bothered me ever since. And it’s just like sitting at Christie you know better you got to write it down right then or you’ll forget. So it does take the pressure off for you to have to remember it’ll eliminate a situation like that where work does not get done. A big part of Code Red did not get done because I did not do what I said I was gonna do because I didn’t write it down. So it happens to all of us and you don’t need to be in this. You don’t need to be in that mess. Write things down guys make yourself a list.
Cari 29:08
And I want to hear I want everyone to just feel that good feeling and you got to use a sharpie guy. You got to use a sharpie when you cross it off with a sharpie on the list. Maybe it’s just me maybe I like the smell. I don’t know Christie, but there is something about making a plan and following through with the plan. You are smart, you can do this. This will trickle into your health. If you let it. You just have to be intentional. And if you’re intentional and a list is an intentionality, that’s what it is. That’s what a list is and list is saying. I’m going to be intentional today. So show me how intentional you can be by trying out the list and see how that works for you.
Cristy 29:48
And being intentional with your list will trigger down to being intentional with your food, being intentional with your movement, being intentional with your words. And of course, we think being intentional with your food is going to heal your body which is gonna spill out into every area of your life and elevated but we could go on and on and start another podcast part two. We hope you enjoyed the rebel weight loss and lifestyle 10-pound takedown calm is where you can go to join us on the next challenge. We’d love to have you please don’t touch your phone while you drive. Please just listen, let it just roll on to the next podcast. You guys. Thank you so much and Carrie As always, thank you.
Cari 30:28
Thank you. Bye, everybody.
Outro 30:32
Thanks so much for listening to this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple podcasts on your phone or computer and do three simple things. leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast. And in that review, ask anything you want related to help weight loss or mindset If you want a shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name. That’s all been listening to hear your question answered live raw and uncut on the next q&a episode, so, I’ll see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.