39: Searching For The QUICK-FIX

Loss Weight

What Is This Episode About…

Everyone is searching for the “quick-fix” to health and weight loss, but there is no pill, drops, powder or snake oil bullcrap that is more powerful than real food, water, and sleep.

Cari and I understand that feeling of desperation and that might be what you’re feeling right now, listening to us. But let me tell you that we’ve done the phentermine pills. We have done the weight loss surgery. We have done the quick fix and they’re NOT a quick fix.

It won’t get you there any quicker than just doing Code Red.

There are a number of biohacks out there that people are trying that aren’t necessarily bad.

Testosterone injections aren’t bad. The implants aren’t bad.

We’re just saying: Make sure you’ve got the BASICS down before doing any of this.

People are desperate. Our society is riddled with people that want to get plastic surgery instead of just not eating so much.

The bottom line: There’s just no easy way around it and Code Red is the easiest hard thing out there.

Key Points of Discussion

  • No amount of biohacking can replace real food, water, and sleep (4:48)
  • Coffee enema cleanses every 30 days, but eating Taco Bell every day? (9:28)
  • The body knows how to detox itself, provided there are no toxins coming in (9:53)
  • If it’s a complex medical problem, let’s get it figured out, but there are the basics (11:31)
  • What will actually improve mitochondrial function? Eating only two meals a day (13:49)
  • Collagen supplement and work on telomeres et al are valid. But it’s important to get the basics in line (16:27)
  • If it doesn’t work in six days, they’re switching to a different method (17:41)
  • We have to follow rules for the rest of our lives (20:35)
  • I thought that having a boost of testosterone would help me get leaner (23:45)
  • I’ve tried all those things and nothing has ever worked for me like Code Red (24:56)
  • Code Red is a great way to lose weight, but it’s still work (27:52)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

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When Was It Released…

This episode was released December 18, 2019

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors


Cristy:             00:00 Guys, there is no quick fix. You ain’t never get none of the rules and we all have to follow rules to rest of our life. There’s no magic pill. There’s nothing in there is. There are things that you can take that can support certain functions. If you have a deficiency in a certain area, but don’t think that you’re gonna wake up, you’re gonna take this pill, you’re going to wake up and your stomach’s going to be flatter because of that.


Cristy:             00:26 I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle, where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison. And we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening. Welcome back.


Cristy:             00:52 To Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. I am Cristy Code Red. Yes, yes, yes. You don’t mind real name, by the way, is Christine Nickel. Nobody ever knows me. Nobody ever knows me from Christine nickel. They just know, you know Cristy Code Red. So Cristy Code Red and I’m here with Cari Thompson. Cari, thank you for being here.


Cari:               01:10 Thank you for having me joining you from my new upstairs office. It is not a darkened basement any longer. For those of you that are listening and not watching for a while, it was just a darkened basement because that was the quietest place in the house. And now I have an upstairs office.


Cristy:             01:29 Yeah, I dunno how much quieter it’s going to be but we’ll just see guys, we are so thankful to have you listening and watching us and thank you to you guys each and every week you watch, you download, you rate, review and we are really, really thankful for that, that we do this for you and it’s because of you that we are hitting the rankings and the nice high rankings, just one of the top 10 podcasts in the United States in this category. So wanted to let you know that this week’s podcast is sponsored by Swanwick Sleepwear.


Cari:               02:05 For those of you that can’t see Cristy’s wearing the daywear appropriate for all day long special blue-blocking filters in these lenses. We get so much blue light in this world. You know Cristy, back in the olden days you farmed the field, you went to bed when the sun went down. You didn’t look at devices all day. But both of us look at devices all day long and I am wearing the night glasses. Cristy and I both put ours on, Cristy. How long before bed? Like an hour do you do yours? I do at least an hour, sometimes an hour. And then this starts calling your brain down. This starts telling your brain it’s time for bed, increased melatonin production, shut down the blue light frequency interference. This is what these high-quality family-owned business glasses do for you. They are excellent. And then I wear the day where when I have a particularly a lot of eyestrain if I’m going to be on a lot of podcast or if I’m going to be a really sitting here, cause we’re both in front of the computer 16 hours a day and probably listening to us, you probably are too somewhat of a, a variation of that.


Cristy:             03:10 And so it’s really important to protect your eyes. This is a company we trust, but even better because we teamed up with Swanwick sleep where they are allowing us to offer anybody watching this podcast or listening to this podcast, 15% off of a pair of glasses off their website. Swanwicksleep.Com. If you enter the code CODERED, you’re going to get 15% off. Yeah, 15% that goes a long way. I mean, these are great quality glasses. As you can see. These are the gray color that we have on [inaudible] and they’re just, I mean the anti-glare when you put them on Cristy, your brain kind of goes, yeah, you’re exactly right. And these are, Cari and I are both wearing the classics. I think I have the classic frame anyway, you get the point. They have so many and yes they have prescription by the way.


Cristy:             04:02 So incredible company. We really love them. Thank you Swanwick Sleepwear for sponsoring this podcast. I love the title of this podcast. Searching for the quick fix.


Cari:               04:14 Cristy, what do we see on a daily basis here at code red on a daily basis? Sometimes on an hourly basis are people that may be frustrated with the system and you know, the fact is I tell Cristy, we just had this conversation today. Again, this is what we call a perpetual conversation because we continue to have it over and over. I said to her, Cristy, that person is looking for a quick fix. That person is looking for a quick fix.


Cristy:             04:48 Then let me kind of back her up, back you up and kind of explain kind of how this professional conversation got started again today. Cause I said to her, I said to Cari, ah, can I just vent here?


Cristy:             04:59 And she said, yeah, what’s going? I said I’m just so frustrated. I talked to a person today who was a good 30 pounds overweight and was saying to me how he, all these ways that he could biohack his body. I’m bio, I’m doing this and I’m up-regulating didn’t the 88 cheapies into the mitochondria and all this, and he knew his stuff, and yet he’s sitting there in front of me, 30 pounds overweight. I’m thinking there’s no amount of biohacking that you can do that can replace real food, water, and sleep. Right? And now this is not to say that biohacking in itself is a quick fix because biohacking is not a quick fix in general. But if your focus is what can get me to my goal the fastest with the least amount of effort, and you’re thinking about Mito and now, Hey, I know all about mitochondria.


Cari:               05:50 I’m right there with him. I know all about cleanses. I understand castor oil packs. I just, you know, started experimenting those. But none of that, not the handful of supplements that Cristy makes a Hill beans worth of difference. If you aren’t drinking water every day, if you aren’t sleeping every day, you can’t live in the McDonald’s drive-through and then stand in front of red light therapy and think that’s going to be helpful.


Cristy:             06:19 Yeah, exactly. And a lot of those things, you know, we don’t, we don’t mess with that kind of stuff on Code Red. We don’t talk about the red light. There’s, I was just using that as an example. I know, I know I’m, we’re going to be using more of those for an example, but there is scientific research and data to back up a lot of that stuff. Yeah. There’s science research and data to backup collagen protein, which is the most abundant protein in your body, but we don’t talk about take taken exoticness collagen.


Cristy:             06:42 We just, we don’t talk about that on Code Red, but there is truth to a lot of that stuff. However, when somebody’s doing the basics when you ain’t even sleeping, you know, I don’t, I don’t understand. Even the medical community has had, well, certain doctors will admit, especially certain cardiologists will admit that there is no drug that a cardiology patient could take that will get the results that a better diet will get.


Cari:               07:09 Oh, and I don’t know why we don’t talk about that. So, okay, Cristy, I’ll never forget the ticket I got. This was a man again, you guys, we talk about this, we have a help desk. When people submit a question, it creates a ticket. So when I say a ticket, I got Cristy and I know, but not everyone does. So I got a ticket and it was like, I’m not going to use the real name, but they were like, Cari, can I keep using my Lark drink? It gives me so much energy. I mix it in my water and it comes in all these great flavors. So I look up Lark drink on the internet and Lark drink has a crap ton of crap in it.


Cari:               07:49 So I don’t just say no because I am entirely a nurse. So I said, well what does the Lark drink do for you? And they’re like, Oh my gosh, it gives me these vitamins and these minerals and it gives me, helps me lose weight. And I said, well how before you came to Code Red, how was the Lark drink working for you? Because if the Lark, if that quick fix was going to work, if Lark was going to do it, they wouldn’t need to keep selling Lark, Hey, I’m putting in an order for Lark. Does anybody want anything? Yeah. Have you seen those? Yeah, I know I’m putting in a new order who needs some. All I’m saying is that that quick fix was going to do it and didn’t. Why were they writing to me? If your idea, if your quick fixes are were going to work then why did you need to come to any of us and why?


Cari:               08:40 If it was working then why are you here?


Cristy:             08:42 That’s like my favorite question to ask people. I get DMs per day, you know, like a lot of DMs per day or whatever. And then, and they’ll say, people, will always say, Hey, this is what I’m doing, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And my next thing is always, well, and how is that working you, I mean, I don’t mean to sound snotty, but like you’re, you’re writing the need for because you’re not happy clearly. Right. But you’re giving me all this crap and I don’t know if you’re trying to impress me or if you want me to, I don’t know if you want me to just to say that. Keep doing it. You’re, you know, is it working? Are you lean? Are you healthy? How’s your blood work? How’s your eyesight? Are you sleeping good? How is your hormone?


Cristy:             09:15 How’s your libido? Like there are so many things that we could, that we could track here across the board and no, I don’t feel good. I’m 36 pounds overweight. Oh, okay. So yeah, those pills, I just don’t, I just don’t get it.


Cari:               09:28 I do coffee enema cleanses every 30 days, but I eat taco bell every day. What cross each other out.


Cristy:             09:39 There’s something that people want to, that’s a very highly marketable word. There are a lot of buzzwords floating around that are people are cashing in on and we, you know, our society goes through this year after year, but one of the words is detox and that’s coming up. You know we’ve got the new year coming up and, and one of the words is detox. But see in the Code Red stand on detoxing is the body knows how to detox itself. Provided there are no toxins coming in, right?


Cristy:             10:05 So if you give the body real food, water, sleep, and sunlight, your body can detox itself. But you can’t, like Cari said, sit in front of red light therapy and still have taco bell.


Cari:               10:18 You can but it doesn’t make sense. No, it’s not going to be the thing that you need. It’s interesting to me that people want the thing that’s going to be the least amount of effort. Have you noticed that Cristy? Yes. It’s not a lot of effort to do some of these things. And by the way, let me just mention on that whole detox idea, cause I like what you said Cristy. If you have a heavy metal poisoning or you have a mold, you need to see a doctor because that’s the only way to get rid of heavy metal poisoning. So I don’t think your body can take care of that like mercury and bad things like that.


Cari:               10:52 But Cristy’s right. With the exception of those kinds of things, your body wants to heal itself. If you give your body what it needs, you can get so far down your health journey so far down the road. And so it’s almost like people, I had someone write to me again the help desk, Oh I could write a book on what I hear on that help desk. And it was like, I think I got ripped off because it’s really, this is what they said. Are you guys listening? It’s really not that simple. Oh so I want my money back, my want my challenge money back. Cause it can’t be that simple. And I wrote back and I said, it really is this simple. Now if you do have a very complex medical problem, Hey, let’s get it figured out. Let’s biohack, and again, I want to talk about the word biohacking, but Cristy just starts doing the basics and let’s see if you feel better.


Cristy:             11:44 Yeah. Did you say, I want to talk about the biohacking. Oh, go ahead. Yeah.


Cari:               11:49 Oh, I was going to say that. This is a buzz term for y’all that don’t listen to 80,000 podcasts like crushing in Irondale. We hear about biohacking all the time and biohacking is a way to change. There’s probably a better, I’m making this up as I go because of Cristy. Tell me if you think this is good, a way to affect your body to kind of, it’s like a computer system to get in there and change the programming, change the software and there’s stuff y’all, I’m pretty hippity Dippity but there’s some stuff out there that I’m like, they do that. Like, I mean what I, and there’s even stuff that pushes my boundaries of what it is. Yeah. And there’s research to back it up. So I am not saying any of that is bad.


Cari:               12:32 You know, but if you aren’t doing the basics, it doesn’t make sense. So you can up-regulate your mitochondria. I think it’s great to be thinking about mitochondria again. You guys, mitochondria, they’re a little powerhouse of yourselves and they, you know, they run off of ATP, which is a little battery that keeps your mitochondria and your cells going. So that’s a big deal. You want them to be healthy. There are such things as mitochondrial dysfunction, mitochondrial, you know, they’re just not working the right way. There’s some very serious diseases like that. But usually, these aren’t people that are exercising every day, eating right, sleeping, getting tons of servings of vegetables. These are people that already have some problems. So I see a lot of people in the biohacking world, you guys just like the Comicon world, they have their own world. Just like what else, Cristy? Whatever kind of, there are tons of worlds out there that there’s even a KIDO world, you guys, there’s worlds.


Cari:               13:26 So in the biohacking world you see people that are, Cristy saw them at a conference and I, we went to and we’re like, yeah, but they’re struggling with their weight. So, so what that you’re doing all these things if you cannot get the basics. So they like to throw these big terms around like they’re doing these amazing things to lengthen their telomeres, which are the ends of your DNA strands on.


Cristy:             13:49 If you’re still drinking diet shorter every day, Heather’s telomeres are asking for the seatbelt extender when you’re too worried about your mitochondria guide, you know what will actually improve mitochondrial function? Eating only two meals a day. Yes. How about that? Oh boy. Oh my gosh, that’s a huge thing.


Cari:               14:11 There are so many things. Do you know what I mean? If people, if you want to be into biohacking, cause I’d never forgotten the very first time Cristy and I went to one of our conferences.


Cari:               14:19 So we, you know, I’ve been working for Cristy for awhile. We’ve done weight loss. I mean I’m telling you, nobody gets weighed off people like Cristy does. And so she is excellent at it. So we go to a conference and they’re like, me, me, me, me, me, me, biohacking, me, me, me, me, me, me, colonic cleanses me, me, me. And you know, we hadn’t been exposed to a lot of that cause we’re like, Hey real food, water and sleep, let’s get this weight off folks. And we were like some of the best-looking people there and they were like me, me, me, me, me, me, red light. And I lay in my red light for 20 minutes every day and I’m just like, and Cristy and I were like it’s sort of like going to Disneyland when you’re a little kid like everything’s really big and everything seems really overwhelming.


Cari:               15:00 Then when you go back as an adult you’re like, so the Dumbo ride just goes in circles. That’s what it felt like. Like it was overwhelming when I first learned about juice cleanses and all this crazy stuff and I had to stop myself, Cristy and say, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.


Cristy:             15:15 Yes, these are good. But you know, like you and I really share you sleep when we wiped like the one that I won’t say we went to and we were dressed up and we were, we look so good and we have clear, I know this, I hope this doesn’t come off weird to the listeners and viewers guys, I don’t mean to, but we know our bodies are, we have a healthy body fat, you know, and our skin is clear and our hair is healthy and our nails are healthy and we’re walking around this conference.


Cristy:             15:38 I’m telling people are like, their skin is like Ash and, and they’re overweight, but they’re into all this extra stuff. And what, and I almost felt like when they’re like, what do you do? Well, we’re into weight loss. Okay, what do you, well, we’re real food, water, and sleep. And they, and it’s, it was almost a joke, but then look at us and look at them. And it was really weird. And you know what frustrates me to SIS is when people spend hundreds of dollars a month for pills, pills, pills, powders, shakes, drops, the cleanses, different things like that. And then they complain about the price of organic food. Now that’s not what we preach on Code Red. But you know, they complain about, Oh, vegetables are so expensive. Oh, but you’re dropping, you know, like $498 a month on these pills.


Cari:               16:22 Yes. And down the road, red light therapy might be good for you down the road.


Cari:               16:27 You may want to do a collagen supplement down the road. You may want to work on telomeres and you know, lengthening those. And you may want to look at ATP production and are your mitochondria functioning right? And let’s talk about cleanses. Let’s talk about all those things that are valid. I mean, there are some crazy stuff out there. You know, you’re candling go for it. Have a great time. But my whole point is get the basics in line because Bob’s one folks, let me tell you, I had someone Instagram me and they were like, what arm exercises do you do? And I was like, what was not about what I do? It’s the fact that I do it almost every day. It’s not even you guys. There’s no magic in my arms aren’t that great, but do you see what I mean? It’s like people just notice them and they were like, Oh wow, what do you do?


Cari:               17:17 Oh, just do something every day and your arms will look like that. It’s not, Oh, I’m not a bodybuilder. Do you know what I mean?


Cristy:             17:24 First of all, she has amazing arms. I don’t know the, the skin is real thin. You can see her muscles like the striations and the separation is beautiful. So no, she’s lying to you guys. She says she has.


Cari:               17:36 And I know you’re saying me like it’s not a big mystery what I do.


Cristy:             17:41 How about people that if it doesn’t work, like if it doesn’t work in six days, then they’re switching to a different method. And instead of just sticking with real food, water and sleep for a decent amount of time and letting your body have a hop and that that plays to what you were just saying about, geez, I’m been doing it for a while. That’s why they look like this.


Cristy:             17:59 You ain’t eating for a while. And they’ll look like that.


Cari:               18:01 Someone actually said to me, Cari, you don’t need to go to the gym anymore. And again, in Code Red, we believe that exercising should be a part of your health journey after you lose weight. But they said you don’t need to go to the gym anymore. You just need to chase your ducks around. And I was like, yeah, but I wouldn’t have arms like this. I mean, it’s like there are no get out of jail free cards. This is always very interesting to me that people, okay, I haven’t told you about this yet, Cristy. Okay, another thing on the help desk today, someone asked for a refund of their challenge. Now that’s unusual you guys. People love Code Red.


Cristy:             18:36 They telling you all the bad stuff.


Cari:               18:39 I’m going to do it while we’re live so she can’t freak out.


Cari:               18:42 I’m like, gonna break up with her at the restaurant. You know how people do that. And it took us probably plus teasing, so someone asks for a refund, which I thought was odd by the way, because again, we don’t get a lot of those at Code Red and we don’t give them no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I mean, you know, it’s just one of those things and the weird thing is, is that at the time of this recording, we’re over halfway through the challenge and this person wrote, I just can’t lose weight on this program. And I usually don’t hear that. And now it could be a lot of things, all of which Cristy and I own, we know where they are in our head. Like we know exactly what they’re doing wrong, but don’t get me, that’s not the point of the story. The point of the story, his mom who works for us was sitting over here in my office and she was clickety-click, click, click, click, click, click.


Cari:               19:24 We got on her computer and she goes, hold on just a minute, let me get that name. And she goes, Oh, just so you know, they’ve done four challenges with us. I said, Whoa, your challenges. And then on the fifth one, you want a refund cause you’re gaining weight. Well, I’m almost sure you know how the program works, Sally. I don’t think you just started. But again, this Allison keeps going. And again, I love if you guys are on every challenge we ever do. That is not what I’m saying. I’m talking about the people that hop from challenge to challenge to challenge. Just like the people at the cosmetic counters that go from Estee Lauder to Lancome to bare minerals. They’re looking for something that’s gonna fix the problem that they have instead of actually just fixing the problem. And so it’s the same idea when some people, not everybody hopped from challenge, challenge, challenge Cristy.


Cari:               20:16 It’s like they want this quick fix and the minute it didn’t work they, and I’m like, Whoa. Well. So anyway, it started this whole other conversation between mom and I, but I thought that was very interesting. It’s the fact that some people just 14 days in, you haven’t lost your 10 pounds and now you’re upset with me.


Cristy:             20:35 Know that I want, I wanted to say was that girl is the perfect example of someone who’s searching for a quick fix and people they, yeah, they want Amazon prime on everything. So they want to abuse food and they want to have enormous toxic levels of sugar for the past 46 years and then now six days into a challenge. There you know, guys, there is no quick fix you, you, you ain’t never getting out of the rules and we all have to follow rules to rest of our life.


Cristy:             21:02 There’s no magic pill. There’s nothing in there is, there are things that you can take the can support certain functions. If you have a deficiency in a certain area, but don’t think that you’re going to wake up, you’re going to take this pill, you’re going to wake up and your stomach’s going to be flatter because of that. That’s just not how it works. And there’s nothing you can do that’s going to be more powerful than real food. Water and sleep, it really is nothing. I mean, you even have bodybuilders that do heavy supplementation and every single professional bodybuilder will tell you male or female, and nothing is more powerful than a diet. You can’t out whatever your diet, there’s just no way that diet job, one job, one is always clean up the diet and then you can supplement if you want. We don’t do it on Code Red, but you can if you want, but nothing’s gonna work if you’re still ordering number two extra-large.


Cari:               21:51 Exactly. You know, in a great example of that is, you know, Cristy and I have had many conversations, two examples, many conversations about like, man, I wish my quads would shape up better. And she’s like, it’s all about what you’re eating. And it’s true. She’s right. You know what I mean? For me in my situation, I’m talking about that. And that applies to so many situations. Here’s another great example. My husband was deployed and it’s stressful being deployed. So I, of course, being the good nurse wife, I sent him zinc and that was something I researched and decided to do. But if he wasn’t sleeping and if he wasn’t drinking his water and if he wasn’t trying to eat as code red as you can being deployed, it would have done me no good to send him the zinc. He had the basics down. He just needed some extra help.


Cari:               22:34 So if you’re doing everything right and you’re like, boy, my adrenal glands are, you know, I’m really struggling in that area. I’m going to biohack my kidneys or I’m going to biohack. That’s a great way to go. But we’re talking about the people that try to do it when they don’t have anything figured out in their life. And you could walk into any vitamin store and let me tell you, that’s one of my therapy just to go. I just look around it all smells good. People are good. Look in there. You know what I mean? You could spend $500 there and you could walk home with a pill for every ill and they’re legitimate and they’re backed up. But if they absolutely don’t have any kind of bearing on your life and you haven’t got the basics down, it’s just a pill. It’s just a pill.


Cristy:             23:20 I am embarrassed to tell you guys and I and I, I’m going to say it. I’m going to tell everybody. All right, I’m just going to say it all right. Are you guys ready for something? I don’t know if I’ve ever told anybody this, but, well maybe you should text it to me before you use it on a podcast. I’m just going to be, I’m just going to do it, Sis. I hear he’s getting nervous. Well I’m, I’m doing it for, I’m doing it for the greater good of people so they can know. I believe that in certain cases of women that having a boost of testosterone is good to have testosterone. Pelis have testosterone cream. And so I thought that having a boost of testosterone by doing the testosterone pellets would help me get leaner. That’s what I thought. And so I went and had pellets put in and those of you guys don’t know it’s not, it’s like 600 bucks.


Cristy:             24:11 Like it’s not, it’s not even cheap and they, and it’s, it’s a procedure. You’ve got to go into the office and I think that definitely works for women who struggle with having low testosterone. I do not. I have normal testosterone, but you know what I was doing. I was wrongly looking for that quick fix. Now my diet was so clean, but I wasn’t willing to put in the extra work at the gym to build up my muscles the long, hard way. I wasn’t willing to maybe cut out dairy. I wasn’t willing to maybe do a little bit more in my diet. I went the $600 route for painful pellet injections in my hip and I didn’t see one single difference in my body. I didn’t see any difference. Now I’m not saying that Pellis don’t work. I’m saying it’s just that I did what everybody was trying to do.


Cristy:             24:56 I was trying to, you know, so guys, I’m telling you when I tell you I’ve tried all those things, I’ve tried all those things and nothing has ever worked for me like Code Red. You know, the leanest I ever got was 151 pounds in the last 10 years. It was 151 pounds. My ideal weight is one 54 I stay some right around one 57 one 58 I would love to stay at one 54 it just seems to be hard, but when I got down to one 51 it was when I was just doing straight strict code red. Yeah, no, I know what you’re saying. No tricks, no pills, no shakes, no extra anything. Well, we’ve all done it. I listened to a podcast the other day and someone was talking about their book and I was like, maybe I should get that book. And I’m like, you run a nutrition company, Cari.


Cari:               25:42 But it is. It’s that idea of, Oh, maybe this will be this something missing something. Why do you think we buy people buy there? I don’t, but why do people buy thermogenic? Why did I try the slim pills? Why did I take the fin? It’s desperation and you’re not a bad person because those marketing campaigns are genius. You guys, they’re genius. You guys. You know how Facebook and Instagram have algorithms? Oh, they get me. Let me tell you and I’m like, well, maybe I need that little swingy thing for my feet. The strongest minds could be swayed. Oh, it is. So it is not your fault that you’ve been roped into the green tea phenomenon and the matcha, you know, powdered mushroom phenomenon. We’ve in those things are important. Like let’s just say, Cristy, going back to this testosterone thing, let’s say that you are clean.


Cari:               26:32 You’re working out and you wanted to do something like you bought red light therapy to help out with, you know less. I’m making this up, but scar tissue in your hip because of an old injury. Now that makes sense. He’s not eating sugar to inflame the injury. That makes sense, but she also has everything else in line. Testosterone injections are not bad. The implants are not bad. The seeds are not bad. None of those are bad things. We’re just saying don’t do it. Amount of desperation because I said it to Cristy, people don’t want to do the hard work. We saw a girl in Lululemon, she had thighs that were like amazingly beautiful quads and I walked into the, I walked into the dressing room to cry and then to try on some clothes and Cristy said we, and she wasn’t being mean to me.


Cari:               27:21 She was being honest and that’s why I love her. She said, Cari, we just don’t put in the work. And I went, yeah, how can you expect to have, and I’m you, I’m saying this for everything. Lulu, lemon worker, girl’s thighs. If you don’t spend three hours a day at the gym, you’re not going to, so sorry, Cari, you’re not going to have it. So it’s the same thing with weight loss. You can’t expect to have the body composition. You want the weight, you want to be at the size, you want to be at the health level you want to be at and tell you are willing to be like Lululemon girl and put in the work. Now this Code Red, makes it hard. No, we make it easy. It’s a great way to lose weight, but it still works. You got to do the grind.


Cari:               27:59 You got to do the grind. That’s what it takes. My aunt said it great today. She said, when you fall down, you get back up because all you can do is keep going on the weight loss journey. You just keep going. And that’s why we say don’t look for the easy ways out to get Lululemon thighs forever.


Cristy:             28:17 It will be called Lulu living thighs. Now I know I still have that in my mind, but I know what you’re saying and it’s, we totally understand. You guys. Look at my eyes right now. Look at our hearts. We get it like I’m not kidding you. I was perfectly healthy and there was nothing wrong with me and I still got the testosterone pellets because I was desperate to be leaner and had bigger muscles. I just thought that maybe no, they were not made for me and that’s not, I like anabolic steroids.


Cristy:             28:42 I just thought, Oh, a little more would make me better. So I get that feeling. We both understand that feeling of desperate and that might be what you’re feeling right now, listening to us. But let me tell you, can we just tell you that we have done the phentermine pills. We have done the weight loss surgery, we have done the quick fix and they’re not quick fix. It will not get you there any quicker than just doing Code Red. 10% of your body weight every month that you can lose on a custom program. Believe me, there’s nothing to sneeze at. You’re going to have your weight off in no time cause there ain’t no quick fix.


Cari:               29:15 There really isn’t. And sometimes the things you try may have consequences that you don’t like. Just like you guys. Have you guys seen these bodybuilders that we’re injecting oil into their muscles to make them bigger.


Cari:               29:28 I mean, yeah, you guys aren’t doing that. That’s not what I’m saying. But I’m saying that people are desperate. You’ve seen the people. I mean our society is riddled with people that want to get plastic surgery instead of just not eating so much. You know, Cristy always says it and by the way, everyone hates this answer. Everyone hates it. I got to go. We should I have stomach removed. Should I have the skin removal surgeries? He says I want you to lift weights hard for a year. And every time they go and they look at her and they smile and nod, but you know, they’re thinking, I’m just going to have the surgery. It’s the truth. Cristy’s like try the hard work of quick fix. It will make you better if you try this instead of the quick fix.


Cristy:             30:05 And when I see the girls on Instagram that are real muscular, I particularly love muscular women and I will, I have them all in my newsfeed on Instagram.


Cristy:             30:14 And when I see him I go, Oh, and I don’t get jealous. I get like envious or I wish I had that. And I always say to myself, but Cristy, you’re not willing to do the work. You don’t want it bad enough. And so when I say don’t you don’t even have the right to have that thought go inside your head, Cristy, you’re not willing. Yes, you could. Do you have the time? Yes. Do you have the knowledge? Yes. Do you have the gym? Yes. Do you have a good strong body and a good base? Yes. And yet I still won’t do the work and so, there you go. I don’t want it bad enough. And that’s the bottom line and guys there’s just no easy way around it and it is the easiest hard thing. Code Red is the easiest hard thing out there.


Cristy:             30:52 It’s real food, water, and sleep and it’s the most sustainable. It’s something that’s going to last you the longest.


Cari:               30:57 I agree. I agree. Well, it’s not the magic answer. Everyone wants to hear Cristy, but I think it’s something that our listeners really do need to hear.


Cristy:             31:04 And if you can learn from our mistakes of trying to quick-fix, both of us have Cari and I both have and I am just so tired of hiding some of my skeletons in my closet. I am just going to come right out and start telling people the crap I’ve done. Cause it’s just, it’s not. Maybe you will not do it. If you hear that I did it and it didn’t work and maybe you will just go, you know what? I’m going to go ahead and just go straight for code red. I don’t know when you are ready you’ll contact them, everybody comes to Code Red eventually.


Cristy:             31:30 They all know once they waste all that money on all the other bull crap they’ll come to Code Red and what we’re here for you. We’re ready. We’ve got open arms. We love you. We’re ready.


Cari:               31:40 Yup. I think it’s a good thing to think about and I’m glad that you suggested this because we were talking about this very topic today and we thought it would be a good one to bring to you guys.


Cristy:             31:49 Yeah. I like when you said that you go, I said why I was telling you about that guy and you said and I said, why? Why is he putting all this energy into all this stuff and he won’t even do the basics. And Cari said he is unwilling, he is searching for the quick fix. That’s what you and I was like, shoot, can you jump on a, can you jump on a podcast with me right now?


Cristy:             32:07 And she said, hold on, give me 16 minutes. Which I thought that was funny because you put 16 I was like, that’s an odd number.


Cari:               32:13 Well, it was one minute till the hour and then 15 minutes after.


Cristy:             32:16 You knew what I was thinking, why they figured it out. It was so funny or wondering where to start with Code Red. If this is resonating with you, if something is sparked inside of you, if there’s something in your stomach, there’s burning. We know like you remember Cari in church when the pastor would say, God, every head bowed and every eye closed. God is speaking to you right now. You feel it in your gut and you did like when you were sitting in church. You could feel like you could feel people anytime. It didn’t matter. It doesn’t have to be in church. You could be grocery shopping and you could feel Christ talk to you.


Cristy:             32:47 Well, if Christ is talking to you right now, Lord, and you want to join Code Red, the best place to get started is the 10-pound takedown challenge. If you’re wanting to get started quicker than when our next challenge is beginning. You can always go to coderedrevolution.com and pick up the revolution book that I wrote or you can go to Amazon and have an Amazon prime to your house. Either way, that’s a great place to get started. You know the podcast, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook. I’m everywhere and I want to meet you. I want to see you come to one of my events. Carrie will be there and we are willing and ready and excited to have you on board and become a rebel and don’t forget, yes, if you have them, I have them. Hold on. Yes. Swanwicksleep.Com 15% off. Enter the coupon CODERED. Get 15% off and you guys can look just like us. Send us pictures and that’s in the checkout. You’re going to put the glasses in your cart and then click on checkout and then you’ll see it the spot where you can put the word CODERED. Don’t put a space in there and that’ll get you 15% off. That’s a huge amount. So guys, thank you for joining us. We sure appreciate each and every one of you and we’ll talk to you on the next podcast of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Have a good one. Thank you.


Cristy:             34:01 Bye. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple Podcast on your phone or computer and do three simple things. Leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast and in that review, ask anything you want related to health, weight loss or mindset. And if you want to shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name, that’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered, live, raw and uncut on the next Q and A episode. So, see you on the next episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle.