What Is This Episode About…
So many times, we put things off. We say, “oh, I’ll get to it tomorrow or Monday or next month…” But the days slip into years, and you’ll find that you’ve run outta time. Don’t let this happen to you.
It’s crazy how time flies by, especially as we get older. The question that you should constantly ask yourself is, are you showing up for yourself and doing the things you consider important, or are you continuously putting things off and saying to yourself that you’ll do them some other time?
We are all guilty of making promises to ourselves and postponing things we want to do. That is dangerous because before you know it, time is gone, life happens, and we are left with regrets. You need to understand that the days are passing by, and sooner than you realize, they’ll turn into years.
And the one thing you can’t do is blame anyone but yourself for not doing the things you always wanted. You can’t blame your kids, and neither can you blame your other obligations. If something is important to you, you have got to find time to do it.
Click Play to get some inspiration on how to show up for yourself, do the things you have always wanted to do, and live your best life.
Key Takeaways
- Cristy’s 45th birthday Code Red bundle (03:34)
- Are you letting one of these days turn into none of these days? (10:32)
- Time slips by, and opportunities pass by faster than we realize (13:26)
- Why I’ll do it tomorrow is the most dangerous mindset (14:42)
- Are you doing the things you set out to do? (16:03)
- How to say no to things that don’t matter that are robbing your time (18:30)
- You’re playing with fire if you continue to put things off (21:54)
- The world needs you to show up your best self (24:16)
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When Was It Released…
This episode was released on March 31, 2021
Episode Transcript…
The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
Cristy 0:00
I keep saying now one of these days, I’ll do that. And here it is 2021. And I haven’t painted since shoot, like 2017 or something. What the heck, I hear myself making promises to myself. And I hear myself using the phrase, I’ll get to it. I’ll get around to it. I’ll do that next week. I’ll do that next month. I’ll get to it next quarter. Are you saying this to yourself? Do you hear yourself saying these phrases too?
Intro 0:33
I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food holds the power to heal or poisoned and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss.
Cristy 0:46
You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-of truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening. Cristy Code Red author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer, and welcome back to another episode of rebel weight loss in lifestyle. I absolutely love this podcast. I do. Can I say that? Is that weird? Is that because he did? I don’t know. I love the podcast. You know James, my business coach is having me write down the top five things that I spend the most time on. And the top five things I want to spend the most time on the top five things that generate the most revenue and he’s having me reorganize my time and helping me and stuff and I wrote on there at first I started to say well, this is one of the top five things that I spend my time on but honestly, it’s not. I don’t podcast as much as I want to. But I love it. And I love producing good content for you guys. Today is no exception. As we creep near my 45th birthday, this is going to be a good one for that. But first I want to read I haven’t done this in a while you guys I had a couple of really great reviews on Apple that I wanted to read. This is from blonde life 1031 she gives us podcast five stars. This podcast has been a breath of fresh air she tells you exactly what she thinks and did as honest as can be. This is exactly what one needs went on a weight loss journey. Thanks Kimberly. Thank you Kimberly for writing that I appreciate it. One other person writes. This is from Los is la s a v less of 45. Five stars and at the top it says becoming insulin resistant. I turned that pot this podcast on right after eating a mid morning snack and totally felt convicted in a good way. I started to get into the habit of snacking again when I went back to work and had to eat breakfast in a rush and really early in the morning. I justified it because I chose healthy snacks. Oh yeah. But listening this episode made me realize I can make changes to avoid snacking. I need to get over my fear of feeling hungry and just stick to meals without snacking. Thank you. You are welcome. Thank you. Let me read one more. This is a short one. This is from Sarah are in see five stars, great tips and motivation. I love this podcast I listen to whenever I’m tempted to cheat during weight loss mode, Cristy’s tough love. no nonsense approach is exactly what I need some days. Thank you, Cristy for this podcast. I could go on and on you guys. Thank you so much for your ratings and reviews show. This podcast is going to come out a week. Let me just look at the calendar here. Yeah, a week before my 45th birthday. And by the way, for those of you listening, we are doing Cristy’s 45th birthday bundle. And you can get that birthday bundle normally over $85 value and you’re getting it for $45. So Christie’s birthday bundle, you get the code red beach towel, the code red web, Rebel wall art and the Code Red Sox, all for 45. And if when we sold those individually, they were over $85. So get your Christie’s birthday bundle because I’m looking here Yeah, I’m looking here at the calendar and there’s still gonna be a few days left of the of the birthday bundle. When this comes out. You can go to Code Red lifestyle.com forward slash birthday, because yes, I am turning 45 I’ve always maintained the stance of being very transparent about my age, and about what I do to keep just like what I do for my health and stuff, like getting Botox or fillers or if I were to have anything cosmetic done, or my hair or my nails or whatever, I want to be totally open and honest. Plus, it’s frustrating when you don’t know how much some how old somebody is. I mean, ever, ever Google How old is Dwayne The Rock Johnson? Like if you ever I google all the time what people’s ages are because I want to see kind of how am I measuring up you know, you know, I mean, and I maybe that’s wrong. I don’t know. But I do. I want to always I just want to be really upfront. with you guys about my age, and my marriage and my life, and I think that’s what makes me relatable to be very transparent with you. So yes, I’m turning 45 on April 5, I was born in 1976. I’m a Centennial baby. And I think this is very, a very good podcast for this time, coming into my 45th birthday. And we’re talking about one of these days turning into none of these days. Now, I did a very short video on this here a couple of weeks ago.
And it was such a hit with you guys on Facebook and Instagram, that I decided to go ahead and make a podcast out of it. Not that I think 45 is old by any of course old is always 10 years older than what you are. So what do I mean? Like it used to be old? You remember guys? You remember back? Oh, my gosh, I saw a meme. And it said, I would like to apologize for everybody. For every 30 I would like to apologize for when I was 18. And I called every 30 year old old. Isn’t that the truth? I don’t think I ever called any buddy old. But like because my parents have always acted. They’ve always been friends with us. They’ve always acted younger than what they are. My parents are in their upper 60s. And they’re very young and vibrant. I wouldn’t say it well, okay. But they gotta remember my parents probably listen to this podcast, I was gonna say something. But oh, I didn’t I caught it before I said it. Now you’re all like, What is she gonna say? No, nothing bad. I think that I have always had a good impression of aging, because my parents have aged fairly well, and that they never acted old. They never, you know, growing up, they just didn’t Of course, my dad, we were raised on a farm in northern Idaho. And my dad trashed his body. He didn’t take good care of himself. He just didn’t. He didn’t understand how to take better care of his body. He didn’t understand stretching and weightlifting and how to, you know, and how to eat healthy in order to preserve your body. And now he’s so banged up and he’s so he’s in his body is not in good shape now, because he just he’d split wood for too many years. And he never outsourced anything. And he didn’t get any help except for whatever else girls were doing. So any I remember one specific time where my dad picked up a railroad tie. And I remember it being 200 pounds. And he picked it up and he carried it not only did he pick it up, oh, that just makes my it makes my bulging disc hurt. Just thinking about that. But can you imagine, you know, like, and he would do that all the time? Well, he just trashed his body. So now into his 60s where he could be like miles, who’s very, very healthy in his 60s and very strong has no skeletal damage, no physical problems. My dad instead has got multiple physical problems in his body. He’s got a banged up shoulder he’s got I mean, he you know, he just doesn’t treat in the end, even to this day. He’s not living a healthy life. So you have to treat yourself well as you age. But at when I was growing up, when I when I would look at my parents, they seem to have aged well, so I watched them go through their 20s go through the 30s go through the 40s 50s 60s. And it’s always left me with a good impression. So not I don’t think the 45 is old, and especially with the fact that I feel better at 45 than I did at 25. Because at 25. I didn’t understand what I know now. I was overweight. I was starting my boxing career. But I was working out really hard. I didn’t really ever really feel good. I did maintain 154 pounds, which was my fighting weight. And I looked fine. But I worked out all the time. I didn’t understand I thought it was like you needed to whole wheat pasta and brown rice. And I didn’t understand processed food. I didn’t understand the detriment of sugar or too much sugar. I didn’t understand any of that stuff. I didn’t understand inflammatory seed oils and vegetable oils. And with the damage. I didn’t understand the damage of soda. I didn’t understand any of that stuff. Sleep. I didn’t understand any of it. Like I do now. And I got away with it. But I was still overweight. And I was still I was not why I was fighting but I was still just kind of sick. I didn’t feel real good. I had a real bad IBS. I was on medications for IBS. And it can my IBS. Can I shout out from my IBS people, I totally understand where you’re going, what you’re going through. If you have IBS, you need to get on Code Red, a s a p, because IBS is inflammation. And I remember that. And it was awful. It was debilitating. I always had to look for a bathroom. It was just terrible. So I had all kinds of problems. I remember being really depressed at one point and I went to see my doctor about my doctor wanting to put me on Wellbutrin and I wasn’t I didn’t need that I just needed to clean up my diet because I’m not anyway, just a couple of just some background on me so but I do feel better now at 45 almost 45 than I did at 25. And as my life was progressing It’s so crazy how quickly it’s going by. It’s speeding up faster and faster. You know, here while I’m recording this, and exactly one year ago, we got locked down for COVID. The whole world completely shut down a year ago, absolutely came to a screeching halt, except for food delivery services.
And it was and package delivery, and delivery in general was ramped up. And I remember saying to myself, like, Oh, I just can’t wait to we can get out of this lockdown. And I meant it. And even now, in March of 2021, as I’m recording this, we’re not completely out of I know Idaho is not out of, you know, we’re not back to normal. It’s It’s frustrating. But all of a sudden, a year has gone by, and it just feels like the older I get the faster time seems to pass by. And mile says to me, he’s 62 right now and he said, Oh, just wait till you get into your 50s and 60s, it goes by even quicker. And I do I do know this and I do I am feeling it. I’m sure it goes by like a mile says even quicker as I get into the even older, but the days slip into years. And it’s it’s, it’s crazy. And you got to ask yourself, are you letting one of these days turn into none of these days? Are you saying to yourself, I’ll just do it some other time. Now, one of these days, I’ll get to that. Just the other day. Kris Gethin in Sibyl invited me over to their house miles an eye for a really nice gathering. And I didn’t go, I didn’t feel like going. I had had a bad experience in Miami and came back early. And I was just really struggling. I was bombed. I was kind of just having a super down day. And Chris called me up and he told me, Hey, come over. We’re all meeting tonight. We’d love to have you come over and get some really great people for you to meet. And it would have been such a great time to be surrounded by like minded people, all people that are good folks. And I said, No. I told miles. I said, No, I just don’t feel like going babe. I don’t feel like I mean, I had no brawn. I didn’t even you know, like, I just had my hood up over my head. I had to get my hair and makeup done. I didn’t feel like getting dressed, not the Christian civil would have cared at all what I look like. But I would not want to present myself to these important people looking like a complete slob. And I just said no. And immediately I regretted it. Even as I sent Chris a message back. Hey, thanks, buddy. I’ll just catch you guys next time. And immediately I regretted it. And I was like one of these days Christie, he’s gonna quit asking because he’s asked me to do a lot of things. And I’ve said no. One of these days he’s gonna quit asking you one of these days, there is going to be no more days to do this one of these days, maybe Kristen scible move away. Maybe someone gets in an accident, maybe something tragic happens. Maybe just time slips by and you never get together with people that you really care about. And I immediately I immediately regretted it and I wanted desperately to be with them. And even miles said, Honey, let’s just go over for a few minutes. We don’t have to stay very long. Even miles wanted to go my introverted husband. And I immediately regretted it because time with friends, especially really good ones like that. Gosh, you know, they put together a get together and I’m just, I’m mad at myself. Because time slips by and opportunities like this don’t come very often. You know, you might be saying to yourself, Well, I want to, I’ll get that college degree someday. Well, all, you know, I’ll get in shape. I’ll do that one of these days. Oh, starting a diet. I’ll start a diet one of these days. One of these days. I’ll teach my kid how to ride a bike. One of these days I’ll take up painting again. That’s me. I’ve got a whole painting room in my house. You guys know I used to paint used to. And I used to not even say used to now I legitimately have to say used to because it’s been so long since I’ve painted. It’s been years. It’s been years. I used to be a really good painter. I used to wet on wet technique, kind of like Bob Ross. And I painted beautiful paintings of landscapes. I was pretty darn good you guys. And I got away from it and I quit. I just quit hassling with it. I have a huge painting room with paints and beautiful blank canvases all waiting for creations. And I’ve just, I keep saying I one of these days, I’ll do that. And here it is 2021 and I haven’t painted since shoot, like 2017 or something. What the heck, I hear myself making promises to myself. And I hear myself using the phrase I’ll get to it.
I’ll get around to it. I’ll do that next week. I’ll do that next month. I’ll get to it next quarter. Are you saying this to yourself? Do you hear yourself saying these phrases to do you hear yourself putting things off. Because if you’re hearing yourself putting things off, I’m telling you, that is dangerous. Tomorrow is the most dangerous word in the human language. And if you don’t need this, I’ll preach to myself because I need this. I need this. As you can hear I as you can see, from my examples, I need to learn this, I definitely haven’t gotten this. One of these days is done a turn into none of these days before you know it. We cannot get that time back. And you hear people say that too, or you can’t take back the time it can’t get back time it can’t pick it. And we, we all just say, ya know, but do you? Do you really know? Do you truly understand that these days are slipping by? And what have you got to show for it? Your kids are going to, they’re going to get raised, they’re going to grow up, you’re going to raise them. They’re going to be out of their house. 18 years old, 19 years old. And there you are. 20 years have passed and you didn’t do the things that you set out to do. You didn’t go to the Grand Canyon, you didn’t go zip lining. You didn’t do that garden, you didn’t write that book. You didn’t do the things that you said you wanted to do. You even quit rollerblading, you quit going to Bible study, you quit doing the things that you loved. Because these kids had you preoccupied and days turned into yours. And now look at you, you’re 52 you’re overweight, you don’t feel good. It’s just you staring back at your spouse. And now you’re kind of starting over, which I think is fine. Because if you go ahead and start on that list of things that you wanted to get to one of these days, then it won’t turn into none of these days. But 20 years has passed, have you raising kids and you’re not doing those things that you wanted to get to? Yes, you can do it all? Yes, you can. You can do some of it. You know, I want to remind you parents that your children are contributing members of this family. You don’t worship them. You’re not a slave to these kids. My parents used to say that to me, my mommy said to us, I’m not a slave. I am not your personal slave. You get up you do the dishes. You do chores around here, we are all contributing members of this family. We all pitch in. We all work together and we all get along. I’m not gonna stand here let you make this family miserable young lady. Thank you, mom. Thank you. Are you letting the time slip by and blaming it on your kids while I’m raising my kids. I’m taking her to band practice into cheerleading practice and to football practice. I get it that they are extremely busy, especially if you got a couple of them. Some of you guys have like tricky for kids, my Lord, my ovaries shrivel up when I hear that four kids, four kids, for kids. three kids, oh my goodness, I got two dogs. Now let me tell you, that’s a lot of hard work. But you can’t blame you not getting around to stuff you want it to do on other people or things or obligations. You can’t keep saying no. To the things that you know are important in your life. Just because you got kids and dogs. You got to start prioritizing some things. Now I’ve done other podcasts I’ve done a lot of speaking on saying no, I’m talking about saying no to things that don’t matter that it just robbing you of your time and don’t matter. But there are things in your life that do matter that you have been putting off. And I’m telling you it is a dangerous you’re playing with fire. If you think next week is always going to be here because one of these days and ain’t going to be here anymore. You’re gonna be old and wrinkly. And you’re not gonna have the chance to do the to do those things. I’m not saying that if you’re old and wrinkly that please don’t send me a message. I can’t believe you said that. You know what I’m saying? It’s a lot harder to do things when you’re old and you got a busted hip. So if you’ve ever wanted a zip line, now’s the time. You know what I’m saying? If you ever want to go horseback riding on the beach, now’s the time. That’d be a little harder to get on that horse. If you wait till you’re 88 years old, not saying you can’t I’m just saying don’t wait. It’s a dangerous, dangerous situation you’re in when you continue to put things off and one of these days turn into none of these days. Don’t go down that road. Don’t fall into that trap of putting things off over and over and over. I think about
when I was younger, I had two things that I wanted to do. Two things that I absolutely was just hell bent on doing. One of them was I wanted to graduate from college. And number two, I wanted to compete in a bikini competition like those girls with the sparkly bikinis on stage. I just remember so much I wanted those things. And at first I wanted to compete what I wanted to compete ism is an amiss fitness competition. Well, then I quickly found out that that took a lot of gymnastics, and a lot of tumbling and a lot of flexibility in my backhand springs and those splits and dance moves. And I don’t know if you guys know those Miss fitness USA, they used to be really popular. That’s where I first got my thirst for bodybuilding was I saw those Miss fitness USA pageant girls, and I absolutely was infatuated. Well, then I quickly learned, okay, I don’t have any tumbling experience. I can’t do the splits, you know, and it could I do it. I mean, it’s gonna be hard at 45 years old to do it now. But I did get on the stage. I did do, I did accomplish the things that I wanted to accomplish. But I still have things in my heart that I want to do. And especially with having an older husband, I feel the urgency to do those things, too. You know, we’re gonna go hike the Grand Canyon in May. And I got a second dog because I’ve always wanted to get a second dog for the last year, I’ve been wanting to get a second dog. I’ve been wanting to rescue another dog from the shelter. And I finally did. And I’m just try not to put things off. You know, trying to take time to visit with miles more. Take time to give him more hugs take time to stop and enjoy the sunrise and little things like that. I want to you know, there are different parts of the world. I want to go see when all this baloney when the world opens up again. And I’m painfully aware that that statistically speaking, my life is half over. Now. Come on. If you guys know me, you know I’m gonna live to be 120 years old. I’m so healthy. But statistically, my life is more than half over statistically. And that’s something that’s something to think about. What about you? How old are you? Have you been crossing things off your list? Or have you been putting them off? You’re playing with fire if you continue to put things off and for what? Why? My dad is taking care of his elderly mother in California. And he’s been there for a while now. He hates California, you guys. He hates it. He really does. I’m sorry. No offense to you Californians. Look, my dad was a California Highway Patrol officer like the old 70s sitcom chips when I was growing up when I was really little, and I’ve got a lot of relatives in California. And that’s fine. If you live there, and you want to live there. And your your views line up with the political views that that state and you like the way the state’s being run, and that’s fine. That’s fine. That’s up to you. But my dad has been taking care of his mom for the past. I think he’s coming on two years, or at least for the past year. And I feel sorry, my his his mom, my grandma, you know, she’s she’s mentally not all there. And I’m like, why does he have to waste away? You know, I mean, I don’t want to get into this on the podcast, but I feel my dad is kind of stuck. He’s stuck there. And I worry that the rest of his life is passing by. And he’s not able to live his life the way he wants. Of course, it’s his life, he can do what he wants. But I watch the month after month slip by of him just sitting there in that house with grandma. You know, she doesn’t want to go to assisted living, she won’t, she refuses to go to assisted living, she refuses to have like a nurse come over and help. So my dad can be relieved to me. It’s just he just stuck there.
And maybe that’s you. Maybe that’s you, and he finds ways of keeping up his hobbies and stuff. But I just kind of look back and I shake my head and I just go oh my gosh, how many years? I don’t know. I don’t know you guys. But really take a good, long, hard look at your own life. And ask yourself are one of these days turning into none of these days for you? Because once again, I’m gonna say it again, it’s a dangerous word to play with. It’s a dangerous mindset to play with. It’s a dangerous position to be in when you continue to just say I’ll do it on Monday. I’ll do it on the first of the month. That’s Um, I don’t know, I think all of us need to stop and take a step back and make sure that we’re making the most of every single day. A lot of people ask me what what my Why is for staying in for staying healthy like I am. And keeping my weight down is because I it’s not even about my weight. It’s about me wanting to make the most of every single day that I have left on this earth. Because I don’t really know how many days I have left on this earth. And when I eat crap, and I don’t take care of myself, I feel like garbage. I don’t even want to go to bed and my body hurts and my mind is foggy. And that is a wasted day and it’s wasting time. Why do I want to waste any more precious time when I can accomplish so much every single day? I do I can get on and I’ve got a whole long list right here. There’s a whole long list of things of videos that I have gotten Record. In fact, I have nine videos to record after this nine videos of some new programs I have coming out. And if I felt like crap today, that would be another day wasted, or maybe probably three or four days wasted, where I could not get those videos done. And more waste of time where I did not put a product out into the marketplace that would help bring the message of hope and healing. And I ain’t down with that, you guys, I can’t waste more time. The world needs me to show up my best self, and the world needs you to show up.
Cristy 25:32
I don’t care if you’re a stay at home mother of a two, a four and a six year old. You do have something that that the world needs to hear. And you do need to show up and say that everybody has this burning message it down deep inside of them you Do you have something down deep inside, but when you don’t take care of yourself, then you are barely showing up your kids. Definitely not showing up for yourself. And you’re wasting time feeling like crap. Why would you want to do that feeling like crap every day. And it’s something that you cost and something that you can fix. I don’t want to spend my time like that because I have spent many years feeling like garbage. And those days are over a big why for me to keep myself healthy is because I feel so good. And I want to continue to produce content that’s going to bring the message I want to continue to be a good mommy to these two Yahoo’s and a good wife to Annabel or good wife to miles. I want to show up for my best to be my best self every single day. Do I do my hair and makeup every day? No. But that doesn’t mean I’m not showing up for myself, my being my best self. I don’t ever want one of these days to turn into none of these days. And I’ll make sure if Kris Gethin invites me over again. I don’t even care if it’s for an ice bath. I go. And I spend that time with him in civil. And I spend that I get that quality time with people that I love it my sister invites me out to Kentucky I go, I make sure I’m not passing up opportunities. Especially if they’re a good fit for me and a good timing. miles asked me to go out to dinner with him tonight. And I quite frankly, it wasn’t really my first choice of what to do. But I want to spend time with my husband and that’s fine. I’m gonna make it work. I just glanced i think i think he heard me. I don’t know if he heard me or not. He has pretty good hearing you sitting at the kitchen table. Alright,
Cristy 27:31
I hope you enjoyed this podcast of Don’t let one of these days turned into none of these days. And I hope it inspired you to get up. I hope it lit a fire under you. And I hope it it helped you realize that let me tell you the dangerous spot you’re in when you keep putting things off. Okay, I’ll see you on the next episode. Take care. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple podcast on your phone or computer and do three simple things. leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast. And in that review, ask anything you want related to health, weight loss or mindset. And if you want a shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name, that’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered live raw and uncut on the next q&a episode, so I’ll see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle