What Is This Episode About…
Even if you’re not diabetic or pre-diabetic, we all need to understand insulin and the role it plays in our body. Here are some very simple, natural things you can do to help your body in this area.
Being insulin sensitive means that you need just a tiny amount of this very important hormone for it to do its job. It’s crucial that we all strive to be more insulin sensitive, whether diabetic, pre-diabetic, or not. And if you think that today’s topic doesn’t apply to you, think again. Two-thirds of Americans, that’s about 200 million, are pre-diabetic.
At Code Red, we believe in eating like we are all diabetic. We shouldn’t wait till our fasting blood glucose and our A1C is too high to look at what we are eating. We believe that everybody should be working towards becoming more insulin sensitive.
Two of the five markers of metabolic health are related to our insulin levels. This explains how important this hormone is to our overall health and why we should be paying extra attention to it.
Listen in to today’s podcast to get some key takeaways on some of the simple yet effective things you should be doing to increase your insulin sensitivity.
Key Takeaways
- Why everybody should be working towards being more insulin sensitive (02:30)
- The vital role insulin plays in our body (07:03)
- Why movement is so important to becoming insulin sensitive (15:14)
- Eating less often and no snacking to allow our bodies to rejuvenate (20:40)
- How cinnamon and ginger help increase insulin sensitivity (27:28)
- Why you should add soluble fiber such as chia seeds and flax to help your body (28:57)
- How Code Red will make you more insulin sensitive (32:21)
- Nailing the basics (34:54)
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.
Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.
When Was It Released…
This episode was released on March 10, 2020
Episode Transcript…
The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Grammar And Spelling Errors
Cristy 0:00
Insulin sensitive means you only need a tiny, tiny bit for it to do its job, you just need a little bit. So you want to be insulin sensitive. So everybody knows that’s a good thing. That’s a positive things. And we don’t want to beat up our insulin and guys, our bodies tell us it’s not like you wake up one morning and all of a sudden, you have plenty of warning.
I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food holds the power to heal or poisoned, and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.
Welcome back to rebel weight loss in lifestyle. I’m your host, Cristy code, red author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer. And I’m so happy that I’m back with CariThompson’s MSN Rn and COO of code red because, guys, I mean, there were a few days, a few episodes, or Cariwasn’t here.
Cari 1:09
We had a hot minute, didn’t we Christie, but I am so glad to be back. Thank God that I finally solved my Rural Internet issue.
Cristy 1:17
There is a cost to living out in Timbuktu.
Very true. And I think that it’s one of the things I asked when we looked at buying this house was Can I get internet? And how close is the nearest super Walmart. So you know, we all gotta have standards, folks.
Cari 1:35
And it’s funny cuz Caridoesn’t travel as much with code. Brad, of course, with COVID, everybody kind of cut down on travel, but I just kind of it just worked out that you could buy this plantation in the middle of nowhere with animals and everything, because you just you’re just not gone a whole lot anymore. Right. And it’s been nice to be home. And it has just worked out really well. And I was just very thrilled to get internet figured out that was one of my biggest stresses. So now that that is done, I can back podcasting with you. And we have exciting things to talk about Christie,
Cristy 2:08
and this is no exception. I think a lot of you and we’ve heard feedback from you, you like you know, you’d like stories from us you’d like you know, the real like motivating and and and Cristy’s gonna kick my butt kind of a thing you’d like that in your face. But you also like a podcast, where you you have takeaways, and you can learn something you’d like, Oh, yeah, I really appreciate that. And this podcast is no exception, because today, we’re talking about how to become more insulin sensitive, before you stop and turn this off, or go Oh, that doesn’t apply to me. I’m not diabetic. We want to make something very clear. At Code Red, we all eat like diabetics.
Very true Cristy and I think that we shouldn’t wait until somebody says to us, you have a blood sugar problem. You are a one C is too high, your fasting glucose is too high, you have a problem, we shouldn’t be waiting until we hear that each and every one of us should be working towards becoming more insulin sensitive. Every day, even if you’re a one C is perfect. And your glucose is your fasting glucose is beautiful. Your pre plan deals before you eat your post deals after you eat if they’re all gorgeous. Every single one of us should be thinking about being aware of and working towards becoming more insulin sensitive. Because two of the five metabolic markers have to do with insulin. The one of them is you got to have that fasting glucose under 100. We prefer it under 100. And the second one is you need to have your a one c under 5.7. We would like to see it around or under five But still, you know you need to understand so what does all that mean? Let’s back it up for those of you because you need to understand how this applies to you. You need to understand how important this is for all of us to be thinking like this. The first thing is what fasting glucose What is that? That means? and Caricorrect me if I’m wrong because I might get no you’re you’re good at this. You’re good. I like when you explain this. I believe that when you go in and get a blood test, they asked you to be fasted, that means no calories for 12 hours. And so what does your blood what is the sugar in your blood look like if you haven’t eaten for at least 12 hours if you haven’t consumed any calories calories. For a healthy person that’s metabolically healthy, that glucose should be under 100. But if your glucose is over 100 that means your body isn’t effectively getting that blood out of the system. I get that I get that kind of right. Yeah getting the glucose as I’m sure getting the sugar out of the blood.
Cari 4:51
Right so you are consuming food your body needs insulin to process that food and Cristy is going to explain this and then we really need to To go away, we need a little bit and we need to go away. It’s a very important hormone. But what a fasting blood sugar that’s too high tells us is that you needed it.
Unknown Speaker 5:11
And then it didn’t quite
Cari 5:12
go away. Cristy,
Unknown Speaker 5:14
I like that.
Cari 5:14
Why is your body’s still so high? Did you not get enough? Did you have too much? Did you not get enough? Did you like what was going on? Why did your body’s still have such a high blood sugar level after the time when the insulin should have worked and should have left. So that’s sort of what a fasting blood sugar could tell us. And you can do that with a glucometer at home. 80 to 100 is a normal blood sugar, but an A one C or a glycol oscillated, like costly, I don’t know why that’s so hard for me to say. It’s like Gemini, Gemini, Gemini, Gemini. I don’t know why, or aluminum, aluminum, aluminum constellated. Hemoglobin tells us what your blood sugar has been doing over the course of several months. So it kind of gives you a rolling average. It’s like you can’t crash diet, get an A one C and be like, I’m good. You can do that with a fasting blood sugar. You could not eat, you could take some junk, whatever, maybe it’ll get it down. But I always used to say when I was on the floor nursing, you can’t hide from an a1c because it tells what have you been doing the last couple of months. And Chrissy will you explain the role of insulin because I love the way you explain it.
Cristy 6:26
And before I forget the agency, the nice way I like to say is it shows how much sugar is coating the red blood cell over the course of three months. You can’t hide I love that you can’t hide from an A1C, it’s the truth. Have you been eating like garbage, you’re A1C one she’s gonna tell the truth. And also, I like to say when it comes to fasting glucose, but I like the way you explain that. But your insulin receptors could be wearing earmuffs, it’s like shouting at someone who’s wearing ear muffs. You’re shouting louder and louder. So your body’s trying to it’s producing this insulin to bring your blood sugar down so you don’t die, but they just ain’t hearing it. So what is insulin do? It’s a vital hormone, a vital hormone. Insulin is the key that opens up your cells to tell your cells to absorb the nutrients. Right, what opens it up, and everything comes in. So it’s vital. If you don’t open up that cell, nothing can come in, and you’re gonna starve and you’re gonna die.
Cari 7:21
So well. That’s why type one diabetics die. Exactly, like they have to have insulin or they will die. Right?
Cristy 7:30
Right. And they and type ones, you know, we don’t really deal with any type ones in the code red lifestyle. Although the code red life a type one could drastically benefit from the kind of foods that we eat. And I just so insulin is you eat food, your blood sugar goes up, and then the pancreas releases a little bit of insulin, it’s the key that unlocks the cell cell opens up and all the nutrients come in, you don’t need very much and you don’t need it for very long, you just need a little bit and then you needed to get out of the blood sugar. And the reason this is vital is because for a lot of reasons, but in the presence of insulin, when it’s doing this thing, all fat burning hormones are turned off. So we want to do its thing. And then we wanted to get out of there.
Cari 8:14
We don’t want to hang around forever. And we don’t want to have to have a lot of it. You’ve all heard about the type one and type two diabetics that don’t choose but mostly type two that don’t choose to make positive changes. And they beat their bodies up. You’re demanding insulin, constantly hohos our need insulin, pasta, I need insulin loaf of French bread, Pepsi, Coke, you’re just you’re constantly just saying to your poor pancreas, which is your beta cells and your islets of langerhans. I remember that from nursing school. Thank you very much. That’s it. I’ll be here all week. You’re constantly telling your pancreas I need more and more and more and more and more. And eventually your pancreas says I’m done. And depending on the level of doneness, kind of like a steak, it may be to done to where you need Metformin, or glucose. Or it may be really done to where now you’re having to take long acting insulin in the evening to cover you for overnight and a short acting insulin over the day to injectable insulin to cover you during the day. So there’s lots of different levels of done. But what Cristy and I are telling you today is
Cristy 9:27
we don’t want
Cari 9:28
you to get to done we want to be like oh pancreas, we love you. We don’t want to put a lot of work on you. You just give us a little bit of insulin we’ll be okay. So that’s what we’re trying to teach you today is how to get your body to need less, use it and then let it leave like be done with it.
Cristy 9:49
And insulin sensitive means you only need a tiny tiny bit for it to do its job. You just need a little bit so you want to be insulin sensitive. So everybody knows that’s a good thing. That’s a positive things, and we don’t want to beat up our insulin and guys, our bodies tell us it’s not like you wake up one morning and all of a sudden, you have plenty of warning. Type Two Diabetes is can I say it? I’m gonna say it. It’s your fault. It’s your fault. You’ve done this to yourself. Now, I will say it’s your fault, but I’ll also back that up with you don’t know what you don’t know. And maybe your doctor didn’t tell you the way we’re telling you. So maybe I shouldn’t say it’s your fault. That’s kind of harsh but I should say that it’s caused by you. Is that a little nicer way to say
Cari 10:32
I think a good way to say it is a lifestyle related disorder it’s like if you’re playing baseball and you slip into third and you broke your leg and you’d be like all sports are terrible well no all sports aren’t terrible you slim to third and broke your leg so Oh, foods aren’t terrible. All life isn’t terrible. Diabetes is a result of us living a certain lifestyle and eating certain foods. So it is a lifestyle related disorder. It’s always so sad to me Cristy when people that never smoked a day, like Dana Reeves member Christopher Reeves wife get they get lung cancer and they die. JOHN Travolta’s wife, terrible, they didn’t do anything to their lungs. They didn’t deserve it. They didn’t. They didn’t have any lifestyle things that added to the to them getting cancer, lung cancer, but I can tell you with diabetes, I’ve never heard of anybody getting type two diabetes. And please, I may be wrong on this. There may be some esoteric, strange, idiopathic thing I don’t know about it is because we just asked our pancreas to do too much for too long. And it’s done. We work it out.
Cristy 11:39
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So we want to talk to you about how you can be more insulin sensitive, how you can help your body along. And it’s not difficult. It’s not over the top is not like live gotta just do all these huge changes are very small changes, very small things you can do that will help you even if you’re whether you’re tied to your pre diabetic, two thirds of this country, 200 million people are pre diabetic, that means you’re knocking on the door of type two, this is your warning. This is your wake up call. I’m telling you, I don’t know why doctors are not like our dad, Carrie, when I when Cariwhen dad had his heart attack, I asked the doctor what was his a1c and he was 5.7. So and but nobody said anything to him. So he was right on the cusp of locking over into being pre diabetic. But not nobody said anything. And I mean, personally, I would think that maybe the doctor would mention that. Hey, Larry, your blood sugar’s running a little bit high.
Why are we waiting until we need Metformin? Why are we waiting until we need glucose? Why are we waiting until we’re having trouble peeing tell we’re having trouble seeing tell we’re having numbness and tingling in our hands and our feet, especially our feet? Why are we waiting until we have wounds that don’t heal? Why are we waiting? Until we have digestive issues? Why are we waiting for the side effects of diabetes and this this is a whole nother podcast by aggravation with the modern medical not sitting down and saying you know they tell them Christie or it’s okay eat this process carbs but you know, eat brown rice, meat grain bread, you know, healthy grain bread, but just give yourself a crap ton of insulin to cover for it. And I just Krissy I’ve seen people in the ICU that require so much insulin to get their blood sugar down. Then I’m having to load up syringes and I’m saying to my coworkers This is a while ago to because it’s been a few years for me since I’ve been on the floor. Do we have the 100 unit syringes, the big ones like we’re having to give people so much injectable insulin to get their blood sugar’s down. And that’s a really sad spot to be in. They have not only earmuffs, but they got like like sound boards and you know, big cement walls over their ears, their cells, or we’re having to slam their cells with injectable insulin to bring their blood sugar’s down. It’s so sad Cristy it That was one of the most sad things I saw.
Oh, traditionally trained medical doctors, our medical paradigm does not treat diabetes this way. We kind of use a pill for every ill and we don’t treat the root cause what is the problem? The problem is the crap diet that’s driving these high blood sugars. The high blood sugars are is driving a disease. We know this but we don’t treat it like that. You know, I’m all for modern modern medicine. Like I’ve said if I fall off my bike and I break a leg, please take me to the ER Please don’t take me to a naturopath. But there are a lot of things that the naturopaths do that they you know we’re getting to the root cause so let’s talk about very simple things that you can do to become more insulin sensitive and help your body out all of us. Oh,
Cari 14:56
everybody should be doing these. Every Everybody Everybody Everybody and these are not like climb to the highest Tibetan mountain and find a lease that among cuz cultivated rubber juices across your lips three times a day we’re talking easy junk guys. Okay, so the first one I want to talk about Christie if it’s okay with you, I’m going to start out with movement. I’m not talking about exercise Don’t be like what Cari code read? Yes, feel free to call me that cari Code Red said that. We don’t have to do that to lose weight. And now she’s saying I am not saying exercise. Let me be clear, I think everyone needs to be exercising. Of course, it’s not a way to address weight loss. Cristy and I both exercise daily, daily. I would love to go seven days a week, but sometimes it’s hard to get off the farm. But I am moving. Cristy even if I’m not exercising, I am moving daily. Moving daily, everybody. I don’t care if you weigh 400 pounds. I don’t care if you weighed 25 pounds. You need to be moving daily.
Cristy 16:03
We’re not talking about CrossFit. We’re not talking about your sheary we’re not talking about Zumba. We’re I don’t care what you do. We’re talking about you just getting up and walking. Well, like Kerry’s gonna laugh when I say this. But I believe in walking dogs if you have dogs. I know she’s but I’m not judging, ongoing joke if any of you guys watch her stories, and you’ll know about insider joke, family joke, family jokes. So it’s we’re talking about going walk into your mailbox and getting the mail moving your body and stop saying in the recliner chair, I am shocked at the amount of people that sit all day long.
Cari 16:41
Standing at the airport. Christie when I just flew home a couple weeks ago from your house. I’m amazed that people that just slumped over. Oh, and I’m up and I won’t show you because my pants don’t match my top show. I won’t stand
Cristy 16:54
up and show you. I have
Cari 16:56
my exercise pants on and I have my code red code strap on. So but I was doing squats. And I was doing lunges and people were looking at me like I was crazy. And it’s not like I was doing a full workout. I was simply increasing my blood flow to my extremities. That’s what I’m talking about. I’m talking about going on a walk. One of the people that Christina ifollow has said this the other day and it was phenomenal. He said, Do you know how many people would kill for the privilege to be able to walk because they’re in wheelchairs? So you know what, guys? Let’s not waste the ability to get out and walk, walk. I’m not talking about a 10 mile walk. I’m talking about just stretch your legs, move your body, some music, and just move just move your muscles. So movement will increase your insulin sensitivity. And how do we know this to be true Cristy?
Cristy 17:49
Well, I’ll tell you what we’ve had people that wore these continuous glucose monitors and I in fact have worn one just to do some experimenting. And what we noticed is so post perennial after your meal, the CGM will read and you can even just test your blood sugar with a little needle poke and using the glucometer. I could get closs elated hemoglobin ometer, glucose monitor, glucose monitor. So post meal, you might test it, it might be 95. Let’s just say that’s pretty low. But if you go for a 10 minute walk right after you eat, you’ll see that drop down to 75. That’s what mine did. Just going for a 10 minute walk after I know mine dropped down 20 points 2020.
Cari 18:34
So movement is super important to becoming more insulin sensitive. And again, I want everybody moving every day. If you’re doing code read, I want you moving if you’re in weight loss, mood, mood or mode, I want you moving. If you’re a kid, I want you moving, stand up and walk in place, you know, bicycle your legs while you’re sitting on the couch. This is not hard stuff, guys, you need to be moving your body. Otherwise, you’re going to start to have degenerative problems, and it really will affect your blood sugar. So I think it’s a great idea. It’ll make you more insulin sensitive. I love this one everyone’s doing moving.
Cristy 19:11
It’ll help get that blood sugar down. It’ll help shuttle that glucose out of the blood and get it where it needs to go and you won’t rerunning these high blood sugars for long all night long. Especially when if you eat in the afternoon. It’s so much easier for your body to that’s probably I was going to talk about how I’m debating as I’m talking whether I should bring this up cuz I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole. I want to keep this simple, but I love talking about this. I was thinking about morning versus evening but especially if you’re eating a code red rebel we don’t eat after 630 but if you are in the challenge and you’re eating, you know is 630 or six, definitely move that body even at a move and up and sit down in a chair for 10 minutes. I don’t care. Got it. That’s really going to help get that blood sugar down. Yep, yep.
Cari 19:58
I’ll never forget after I had chased Crsity and I, Chase is my son. So I was 2425. And we were at Walmart, and we had him in a carrier and he was not a little baby. And Cristy was like, yeah, Cari and here I am postpartum, which Cristy has never been postpartum. So let me just preface that by telling the story. And she was like, carry if you’ll just take the baby carrier and do squats in the line at Walmart, you’ll just start to feel so much better. And this is where I was going red. I remember thinking, yeah, I am bleeding. And my vajayjay is all torn up. And she’s telling me to do squats. So great, but Chrissy Code Red was right. Movement is huge. It’s huge. So yeah, so number one is movement number two, and number three go hand in hand, I’m going to tell you them both, and then we’ll talk about them both together. So number two is eating less often. And number three is no snacking. So these go hand in hand. So Cristy eating less often. And go, yeah,
Cristy 20:57
it is the number one three. The third biggest lie in weight loss is that well, you need to eat three meals and two snacks. No, you’re beating up your system. So I’m you can listen to the third number three podcasts when I first am at the time of this podcast, we have over 100 podcasts. So if you want to listen to podcast number three, I explained this in detail, I won’t go into it right here in detail detail. But eating frequently is beating up our system. Not only is it beating up our digestive system, and it’s not allowing our body our gut lining to regenerate, but you’re triggering insulin all day long. When you eat every two hours, just when your body finally gets that insulin out of the blood from that meal, you eat a snack, and then you’re releasing more insulin, your body never has a chance to return to baseline your hormones never have a chance to just come back down. You’re always triggering that insulin, therefore, you’re never burning fat all day long. You’re
Unknown Speaker 21:52
not Bburning any fat,
Cari 21:54
right? I find it interesting because I was explaining this to somebody on a on a zoom call yesterday Cristy. And I was saying that when I was heavy, I never knew what it was like to be hungry Cristy, because I would so if you think zero to 10 zero being starving 10 being stuffed, I would feel myself to like an eight. And then as soon as I got to a five or six, I would eat again up to an eight. And then as soon as I got to a five or six, God forbid I should get to a four I would stuffed myself back up to an eight. We’re Chrissy Are you saying I should do that thing where I never it? No, we’re saying stop eating when the sun goes down and eat again. When the sun comes up guys just like our ancestor eat. We’re not trying to promote any kind of crazy. You hear all the all the buzz, intermittent fasting, all this crazy words, we’re not talking about that. For this podcast, we’re talking about keeping it simple. Just eat less often. And that goes right with number three, which is stop snacking, Thomas de Lauer, I’m going to steal it from Christie, he did it so great. He said if you give kids toys all the time, and same with dogs, I was just watching a dog training video and they were talking about this dog toys just laying all around, don’t look back here because you’ll probably see toys. And then they’re just like, whatever, they never figure out how to play on their own. When we were kids, y’all it was go out and just be outside, we didn’t get an iPad. Of course, they didn’t have them. I’m gonna say it. We got like a pin and a cassette tape, you know, to roll the
Cristy 23:27
tape back in.
Cari 23:28
So we had to think of ways to keep ourselves entertained. So if you’re constantly giving your body food, it never learns how to function without food. That’s why we want you to not snack we want you to not snack because it forces your body to think of other ways to get energy, it forces your body to use up all the little glucose that’s left and your body is not have to require insulin, it’s not if you don’t have to provide insulin to it, you’re giving your pancreas a rest. So it is similar to number two, eating less often, but is also that we just want you to eat less often, and not snack all the time. And I love the idea of kids.
Cristy 24:08
I gotta tell you, I just had my body fat tested recently and I 40 pounds of fat. So 40 pounds of fat. One pound of fat is roughly 3500 calories. I’m doing a little bit of math here, I have 140,000 stored calories. If you eat all the time, you are not giving your body a chance to tap into that stored energy. All of that is stored energy. The magic happens in between meals. Yes, we are so brainwashed in our society that you got to keep up your metabolism by eating all the time. Well then, but we’re sicker and fatter than ever in human history. So that ain’t working. And the magic happens when you just eat two or three meals a day wait at least five hours and that gives my body a chance to tap into 140,000 stored calories.
Cari 25:00
That is the magic with becoming more insulin sensitive, which is what we want also weight loss also good health, but we’re really talking about insulin sensitivity. Also, I have said it before I will say it again. If there is a zombie apocalypse Christie is going to outlive all of us. Because you don’t have to be fast you only have to be faster than the slowest person that the zombies gonna catch. So she’s gonna she’s gonna outlive A lot of us I’m gonna make it for a while and Kentucky but I’m just telling you Christie will start jogging like Forrest Gump and she’ll get all the way here and then we will live off the land so I’m just
Cristy 25:35
watching out
Cari 25:36
if there’s a zombie apocalypse Watch out for Chris
Unknown Speaker 25:38
Oh miles by the way miles has a stored up like he’s got like a survival bunker. And and and he’s like, Listen, you never know he’s got food ammo guns like he’s smart about it so you can’t don’t come to the nickel Hewitt household if there’s a because we’re gonna be surviving just fine and we’ll shoot it.
Cari 25:58
We’re gonna be fine and and Cristy has 140,000 calories, calories.
Cristy 26:02
I mean, it’s gonna take a long time for me to death. I mean, thank you grandma tears because I’ve got these hips. I got plenty of stored fat, I guess. That’s what happens when you don’t snack in between each meal. And we do we give our kids we’ll give them a snack, give them a snack, give them a snack. We feed them constantly, guys, they’re just little humans. They’re just little us. And so they don’t need snacking all the time. Let them have a chance to have their hormone levels come back down too
Cari 26:28
I have stopped asking my daughter probably in the last six months if she’s hungry. If she is hungry. She will tell me. I don’t ask her. Did you want dinner? Do you want something to eat? If she’s hungry? She comes to me and she says Mom, I’m hungry. Oh, what do you want? I’ve stopped I let her eat when she wants. I don’t let her eat what she wants, but I let her eat when she wants I really do. I’ve stopped making it about the set mealtimes and she is inadvertently regulating her own insulin levels by eating at her own when she’s hungry. So movement, eating less often and stopping snacking. Are you ready for number four Cristy?
Cristy 27:07
You know what I just want to say I don’t even know I don’t even use the word snack on code read. I don’t like it. I don’t it’s a horrible word. But yes, I’m
Cari 27:14
ready for the next one. Like Jim gaffigan goes we’ll probably go there and get something at the food bar and then we probably should pick up a snack on the way back and I’m sure they have something to eat when we get home. Eat your way through Disneyland. Yes. Okay, the next couple ones involve some food. So I’m just going to put number four under a food category and there are awesome studies please feel free to Google them because I don’t have them right now. But there are some awesome studies that show that adding cinnamon and ginger to your diet both help increase insulin sensitivity and they’re very complicated it all has to do with cells and hormones and coatings and and y’all y’all don’t come here for the science. Y’all go to other places, but I just want to throw that out there that if you are interested in adding some cinnamon, adding some ginger just act just teasing with the gentleman ginger the cinnamon don’t do that. But those are really helpful for insulin sensitivity. I’m not sure if you know more about that. Cristy Do you
Cristy 28:10
I don’t know a lot more but I will tell you that cinnamon is insulin mimicking show when you when you have a little bit of cinnamon, the cell is going to open up to receive nutrients but without needing the insulin. Oh yeah. And if I got in please let me know if I got that wrong. I’m sure that the viewers and listeners but that’s what my understanding is it’s an insulin mimicking and it’s incredible. You really should put cinnamon Oh, my gosh, giving your kids cinnamon sprinkled on apples, or that it just doesn’t get any better than that. There’s a lot of great properties to that but it’s insulin mimicking
Cari 28:47
that is a synonym an m&m and m&m isolated hemoglobin glycosylated hemoglobin. Why am I saying all the words that are hard to say? So cinnamon ginger, and then number five. I like and I like the research around soluble fiber Cristy because if you have soluble fiber, it takes glucose a while to be absorbed. And my favorite is chia and flax, ground flax and chia seeds. You guys chia seeds are awesome. When she is activated. It becomes that kind of July July. Yeah, like Aloe Vera. It actually holds on to toxins in your intestine and it helps you pull out toxins. Yay for pulling toxins. Chia amazing. It’s a great source of lots of vitamins, vitamin K especially, and protein. So I love chia. I love flax. I love that it will slow down the absorption of glucose in your body. So adding those to your diet, like doing note meal, which is no oatmeal. It’s a little thing that Cristy and I I don’t think we invented we just kind of coined the idea of no oatmeal, which is chia flax, a little bit of almond milk or flax milk. adding these kind of things consciously daily to your diet, a little bit of cinnamon, a little bit of ginger, you are really going to help with your insulin sensitivity. These are easy things guys. Chia, flax note meal, cinnamon, ginger, getting hard. This is not hard stuff.
Cristy 30:19
Yep, you want to talk about detox. There’s that buzz word detox. The body knows how to detox itself, provided there are no toxins coming in. But if you give it water, and it gives you some natural things like cilantro, or like the ginger, and cinnamon, like the chia seeds, that that becomes gelatinous when they become wet, and they bind to the toxins and move them through your colon by way of peristalsis. That’s the cramping of the colon. And you do you poop out the toxins and your body knows how to do that. But of course, companies that are out there to make money and I’m all for that. They want to sell you a shake. They want to sell you some detox blend, they want to sell you some sort of a greens blend pill thing that helps you detox. You don’t your body doesn’t need help. It just don’t need Yeah, you don’t need to shove tubes up your hiney.
Right, exactly.
Cari 31:15
Why don’t you drink a gallon of water every day. The only exception I’m going to say to a detoxing and I think that Christie agrees with me on this is heavy metal poisoning. Heavy Metal poisoning is like you know, when people get arsenic, when people get aluminum amalgam from our feelings when we were a kid, Chrissie yell, Crsity and I, I had all amalgam back in the day like and remember the amalgam machine? And yeah, you can hear it going. So I think that kind of poisoning if you have high levels of that, go to a natural path, go to a functional medicine physician, that takes a little more work to detox. But your years of Wendy’s your years of Taco Bell, guess what Code Red can help you get rid of that. And we can also help you make you more insulin sensitive. And even if you choose not to eat code read, that’s fine. I don’t really know why you’re listening and less is just to listen to some two beautiful ladies. But we can you can also just keep eating the junk you’re eating we don’t want you to but you can do certain things to make yourself more insulin sensitive. And one thing I want to add to the list I just thought of it Cristy. It’s brilliant. It’s straight from the Lord is eat Code Red will make you more insulin sensitive. I mean, I would think it’s obvious I would think it’s obvious I was trying really hard to come up with ideas that were outside of what we always talk about at Code Red, stop eating processed foods, and you will become more insulin sensitive. Daily. Chrissy daily, I deal with people writing into the help desk that are type two diabetics, okay, and they start code read, thank God, it’s awesome. Well, all of a sudden, Chrissy, they go from eating macaroni and cheese and ding dongs to eating brussel sprouts and steak and their blood sugar’s drop drastically because their medication and their insulin is set up for someone that’s eating processed foods. While sudden you bring it down here, you’re gonna have to adjust your medications. That right there folks that are listening right now listen, that right there, the fact that I get those tickets, that’s proof that you become more insulin sensitive when you eat Code Red. That’s proof right there. I talk to these people all the time, what do I do? Stop taking so much medication. Of course, consult with your doctor titrate appropriately get some help. But that right there is proof that you can need less insulin, if you’ll just eat real food.
Cristy 33:41
There’s no pill you’re ever going to be able to take a pill, a powder, a potion, there’s nothing you’ll ever be able to take even from a naturopath or even from a well meaning doctor, very well trained doctor or provider that is going to be more powerful than your food. In fact, most providers really unnatural paths that you go to for heavy metal poisoning detox for example, they’ll first thing they’ll say is if there and I know I know this because this is what they teach them. They’re gonna say, What are you eating? first job one is going to get you on a real food diet that’s close to our ancestors is going to be on you know, getting off the soda getting off the Red Bull stop drinking too much wine, because there’s no pill is ever going to be able to undo the damage of Arby’s.
Unknown Speaker 34:25
I mean, you can’t be like,
Cari 34:28
I need to get rid of that amalgam feel like yeah, those of you who can’t see me I’m smoking a pretty nice big smoky which, by the way, I don’t know how to pretend smoke because I’ve never really smoked. Some people are really good at one time. I pretend to smoke like this backwards. I don’t know. I’m not good. But you can’t come to your to your natural path, pretend smoking and be like, yes. I’m really worried about my hypothalamus.
Cristy 34:54
What about the ICU, the famous ICU story about the ICU patient refusing, you know Like demanding filtered water, but they’re smoking. Like I like,
Cari 35:06
Oh yeah, they come in for a meth overdose. Lord help them and but they want filtered water. What? You want bottled water but you’re here because you did a ball of cocaine well, Alrighty, you’re not nailing the basics.
Cristy 35:20
We did a podcast called nailing the basics and guys, you got an inquiry. I didn’t tell you this, but I got approached by a company that does. They do detox from heavy, heavy, heavy metal poisonings. And they said, you know, this is a really great product. And I have no doubt that it’s a great product. But I said we had Code Red, we keep things simple. And my zone of genius is getting people out of the drive thru and into the kitchen. When we nail this, then and they still don’t feel good, maybe mold maybe amalgam you know, whatever, maybe. But that’s just not what we do at Code Red. And I refuse to partner up with companies who are very well meaning like they’re very highly educated and probably a very good product. I am not going to go down that road. It’s not what we do. We got our work cut out for us to code red just getting you out of the Carl’s Jr.
Cari 36:07
Yeah. And the only reason I bought up heavy metal is that I think that’s the only kind of poisoning that I feel like sometimes once your diets in line, you might need a little extra help with. Otherwise I really do think your body has the ability to detox mold is another one, Chris, he’s absolutely right. But you guys, let’s stop eating jack in the box instead of worrying about mold. Let’s just stop with the little toe Tinos on the sheet. Make him at 454 12 to 15 minutes. How do I know that? I know that. I was fat,
Unknown Speaker 36:38
Cari 36:39
I was fat. I was 270 pounds. I knew exactly how to bake totally knows that’s a pizza rolls. I knew exactly how to do so. But we want you. We want you to move and I love how Chrissy says this. So I’m gonna say it this week, I’m gonna say we love for you to move in the direction of better health. And part of that is being mindful of insulin, how much your body is meeting. I don’t think you need to go buy a glucose monitor. I don’t think you need to do any of that. I just think you need to move every day. I think you need to say I’m gonna throw some cinnamon in my coffee today. I think you need to say, you know what, Carrie, instead of snacking before a dinner, I’m just gonna hold off and not eat till it’s dinnertime. That’s what I want you to do to start to move your body in the right direction of needing less, and it working more effectively. That’s what I want. If you don’t need four grams of Tylenol for a headache, and you only need 25 milligrams of Tylenol instead of 4000. Why take 4000 we want your headache to go away with the least amount of Tylenol. Same thing with insulin, we want your blood sugar to come down with the least amount of insulin. That’s what we’re working on today in this podcast.
Cristy 37:50
I absolutely love talking about diabetes. I really do. I wish I knew I wish I could go shadow an endocrinologist and a clinic all day long would you know
Cari 38:00
you would hate that? Really? Oh, because of the fact that they go against what we believe. You’d be like, Oh, why do you
hate me? Like, can somebody insecurity please come get Christie Conrad? We’re gonna have to ask you to leave ma’am. It would not go well, I’ve met endocrinologists. Not all of them really like that. I don’t mean that snotty because not all of them believe like that. A lot of them believe like you. So I don’t mean that. But it’s true. A lot of a mind.
Cristy 38:29
Well, I went to a mastermind with an endocrinologist who was there. And I was dying to I was dying to pick his brain. I said, Oh my gosh. And I said, and he goes, I keep I try to keep my diabetics under 200 grams of carbs a day. And I was like, you know, that’s too many. Like, they don’t need more than 10%. And he said, Yeah, but they’re not gonna do it. I was like, Oh, they will when they come to code read. And they will when they fail on your program. Like I just, it’s like desperate times call for desperate measures. And I love talking about this. And guys, when two thirds of the country is pre diabetic, don’t you think that’s desperate times?
Cari 39:02
Yes. And I think part of the problem that I just want to I do want to give props to our medical providers, because I do think that they have less time to talk to people. They have to move people through faster. They don’t have time to get I don’t think they’re uncaring people. I think they’re amazing, awesome, intelligent people who are just caught in a crap system that is not allowing them to spend the time they need with patients. So I do think that is part of the problem. Because I think this guy if he had all day, if he only had two patients a day, yeah, he’d spend all day talking about how to eat better. But the truth is, people don’t want to hear it.
Unknown Speaker 39:34
People don’t want to hear it.
Cari 39:35
So they lose an arm or they lose a leg or they step on a tack and they don’t know what’s in their foot for three weeks until it’s infected. They lose their leg. I mean, that stuff happens y’all and even it’s true and even then you guys even then they order the hamburger and the fries and the fruit Cup and the yogurt in the hospital and I just sit there and I think so. Okay, the other leg. I mean, and I’m not saying I’m perfect, you guys, I’m not saying I’m perfect, but it just what we want is not perfection from you guys, we just want you on a path of doing better. And that’s why we bring these things up to give you real takeaway tips to get things a little bit better for you just, let’s help your body in the right direction.
Cristy 40:20
Yeah, these are small changes that can make a big impact. Amen. If you are interested in trying and in moving in a direction of better choices, we can help you on the 10 pound take down and it is every month. So if you missed this last one, we have one starting soon 10 Lb take down.com that is the best place to get started. Because code read, we follow the proper human diet. We don’t do shakes pills, diet foods or exercise we follow real food, water and sleep and I get plenty of hate mail. And it’s so funny because it said the code red diet when this lady said the Code Red diet should be banned, unlike but it’s when humans were created to eat How could it be banned? I Best of luck to you friend. So we would love to have you join 10 pound take down calm. And of course rate and review please share this podcast, Rebel weight loss and lifestyle is ranked in the top 30 of
Yeah, of all the nutrition and weight loss podcasts in the United States. So we thank you that’s because of you. Thank you for that. And guys, we will see you on the next episode. Thank you. Thank you.
Outro 41:28
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