What I'm doing to kick off 2020 (forget New Year's Resolutions – do this instead)

I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions. Waiting for a “new year” to transform your life makes no sense to me.

I say start NOW if you’re ready for a change.

What I will do when a new year rolls around is look at what is and isn’t working in my life and business at end of the current year, and use those things to determine how I move forward with the upcoming year.

Could I be doing more to bring Code Red to the world?

Am I happy with myself? Am I happy with my relationships?

Those are the kinds of things I look at.

In 2020, I have things I wanna accomplish in all those areas.

And for each one of them, I wrote down the action steps it’ll take to get me where I wanna be…because goals don’t magically happen just because you set them and think happy thoughts.

You’ve gotta believe they’ll happen, yes, or you’ll sabotage yourself.

But you’ve also gotta get off your butt and do the stuff that’ll bring you closer to them.

I also make my action steps measurable, so I’ll be able to tell when I’ve reached them.

“What does measurable mean, Cristy?”

Here’s an example:

Let’s say your goal is to lose weight.

In order to make that goal measurable, you’ve gotta choose an amount of weight.

Otherwise, you could drop half an ounce, and ta-da, you’ve lost weight! But that’s probably not what you had in mind when you said lose weight, is it?

Instead of just “lose weight,” you’ll say something like, “I want to lose 80 pounds of fat by May 1 on the Code Red Lifestyle™.”

Now THAT is measurable. You know you’ll need to average 16 pounds a month, starting January 1, to reach that goal.

Without that goal weight date, you could drag that 80 pounds out for the whole year, or wait until the year’s half over to start.

The next step is to look at what you need to do each day to reach that 16 pounds a month it’ll take to reach 80 pounds down by May 1…and then just freaking do it.

You may reach 80 pounds down by May 1, or you might get there sooner.

You also might take longer. That goal date isn’t pass or fail – it’s to inspire you to take action.

I’m gonna do everything I can think of to make my 2020 goals happen.

But there will be days, or weeks, where I miss the mark, despite my best efforts.

That doesn’t mean I quit. It means I learn from it, and keep going.

Same with you.

Forget New Year’s Resolutions. They don’t work. Instead:

  1. Decide on the things you want to happen by the end of the year
  2. Set MEASURABLE goals
  3. Reverse engineer them and create action steps you can follow
  4. Take the actions

At the end of the year, check in with yourself. See what worked and what didn’t, and use that information to move forward with the upcoming year.

It works for me, and I know it can work for you, too.