On a recent foggy, cold, and dreary morning, I hit the corrals trail for a run.
I sounded like a smoker as I clomped along the mountain side at a pathetically slow running pace, my chest heaving.
So many of our commitments during our everyday lives just ain’t pretty.
My fat jiggled, my nose ran snot into my mouth and my eyes watered from the wind.
That’s just the “ugly” truth.
I stand over the sink to eat, roll my eyes at my husband, Miles, when he’s not looking and I’m secretly jealous of muscular girls on Instagram.
That’s just the “ugly” truth.
I don’t love “ugly truth” moments.
But I don’t shy away from them, either.
I navigate them as best I can, because they’re a part of life.
Some days I do better than others.
And even with the “ugly truth” moments in my life (we all have them), I show up EVERY DAY and follow through.
I keep my word, honor my to-do list and do it all with a good attitude.
Because on that other side of the ugliness is the beautiful life that I’ve carved out for myself.
I get to help millions of people find hope and healing.
I get to travel, speak, hug Rebels, see my family, be Annabelle’s mommy and be married to Miles.
I’m not wasting time and I’m not making excuses.
All of this is possible not because I’m “ordained by the powers that be,” or whatever.
It’s because I tackle each day and keep my commitments, no matter how I feel.
ANYONE can do that, no matter who you are.
Including YOU.