Gluten and the Code Red Lifestyle

Ask most people what they think gluten is, and if they tell you it’s wheat, they’re a bit misinformed.

Gluten is a protein that occurs naturally in wheat, as well as grains that are cousins to wheat, like barley and rye.

Wheat is so overproduced in the world that companies invent uses for it, which is why it’s added to everything from makeup to medications to pet food, not to mention all sorts of processed foods.

(If you don’t believe me, start checking food labels.)

Because wheat is added to SO many foods, we’re exposed to it everywhere we turn, even if we abstain from obvious sources, like bread and breakfast cereal.

Wheat not only spikes insulin worse than blood sugar, it’s highly inflammatory.

And because of its prevalent in society, more and more people are developing health problems from the unrelenting exposure to and consumption of it.

Those problems can range from acne to heartburn; from joint pain to IBS; and even mental health and brain issues, to name just a few.

That’s why I take people off wheat on the Code Red Lifestyle.

In fact, the meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafood, and dietary fat we enjoy on the Code Red Lifestyle contain no grains of any kind.

That makes the Code Red Lifestyle safe for anyone with gluten issues, whether you’re a full-blown celiac disease sufferer or have non-celiac gluten sensitivity.