Do you go through this when you travel? (I do!)

I travel a LOT. And I don’t mean only on airplanes.

I drive to our cabin and back almost every week. Sometimes I take road trips for Code Red-related business.

Before Code Red, I lived all over the place, and I traveled all over the world during my boxing career. Miles and I have also been to Europe several times.

I’m telling you this because what I STILL find, even after all this time spent eating Code Red, is that whenever I travel, I wanna eat…even when I don’t NEED to eat. It’s crazy to me that I STILL feel like eating when I travel!

Convenience stores and airports make it pretty easy to grab crap to eat, too. I’m not saying it’s “wrong” that food’s offered (although I’m not crazy about most of the options).

I’m saying that you’re already feeling like eating (for no particular reason), and now you’ve got mountains of junk food, soda, and alcohol being shoved in your face.

On my way back from Salt Lake City a few days ago, I was shaking my head over the fact I wanted to eat CONSTANTLY while traveling…and I got to wondering why that is.

The conclusion I came to is: It’s to pass the time.

You just wanna get where you’re going, and if you spend most of the trip eating, it passes the time. It makes the trip less boring and tedious, and more fun.

You don’t NEED to eat to make the trip more fun and less tedious. It’s just super easy to do.

This is especially true if you don’t bring your Code Red food with you. It’s easier to justify grabbing the soda and M&Ms and potato chips.

Whether it’s a drive or a plane ride, bringing your own food is something I highly recommend.

When you don’t have to expend bandwidth figuring out what to eat, you’re less likely to grab the convenient crap, and instead stick with your Code Red-approved foods.

Cooking a lot of food at once, and just bringing that with you, is one of many strategies you can use to stay on track while traveling.

You can also bring portable, travel-friendly foods, like nuts, jerky and salami, carrot sticks, pickles, cherry or grape tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, and guacamole cups, to name a few.

When it comes to traveling and eating when you aren’t actually hungry, take control of your travel, so it doesn’t take control of you!

Have you downloaded the Code Red Lifestyle app yet? If not, here’s how to get it!

To download the app and create your free account:

1) On your computer, create your account at

2) If you want the app on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.