On Code Red, I talk a lot about finding what works for you.
Some people intuitively get what I mean – follow the Code Red basics, follow your custom program, listen to your Certified Coach, but find what works for you within that Code Red structure.
Other people, decide that “finding what works for you” means they can ignore the Code Red LIfestyle’s™ simple rules whenever they please, and expect to get the same results as if they’d followed the program to the letter.
A Rebel who, along with her husband, has been very successful (down over 80 pounds at the time of this blog post) told me her mom is sticking to the foods list, EXCEPT her mom’s eating pears she got for Christmas…only to turn around and complain about how she “isn’t losing much!”
If you’ve seen the Code Red foods list, or any of my YouTube videos about fruit, you know which fruits are and are not approved for weight loss mode. Pears aren’t one of them!
The foods to eat/foods to avoid side of the foods list is based on my 25-plus years of experience in the health and weight loss industries.
If it’s on the avoid side of the foods list, it’s because it stalls weight loss in most people.
If it’s on the To Eat side of the list, it’s because most people can eat it and lose weight.
The simple rules I have, about how much sleep to get, drinking water, meal frequency, and so on, are also based on my 25-plus years of experience in the health and weight loss industries.
They are not “optional.”
Meaning, if you disregard them, you can expect your weight loss results to suffer.
It’s 100% your decision whether to follow the rules and foods 100% of the time, and get 100% of the results YOUR body is capable of…
Or whether to pick and choose which rules you follow and foods you put in your pie hole, and in so doing, sabotage your progress.
Either way, YOU pick your results.
If you’re like most people who wanna lose weight, you’ve tried “doing it your way.”
And if your way worked, odds are you wouldn’t be reading this.
Do it Code Red’s way, with 100% compliance 100% of the time, or don’t do it at all.