What Do I Eat? August 3, 2019

What it takes to succeed at weight loss has gotten so convoluted, it’s no wonder people are misinformed and overwhelmed.

One of the most common sticking points these days is how pure and clean your food has to be before you can expect to succeed at weight loss.

Obviously, food as close to its natural state as possible is ideal.

But for some people, it’s just not practical.

And when weight loss experts run around insisting we all have to eat organic or we’ll drop dead five second from now, I get why people throw their hands in the air and say, “Heck with it!”

I use a system called good, better, best, to steer my Rebels towards healthier food choices.

Take full-fat mayonnaise. It’s a healthy fat. It’s just egg and oil!

Most store-bought mayonnaise is made with a lot of inflammatory oils.

But it’s what I call a “good-level” choice, because it’s certainly preferable to M&Ms. And most of my Rebels who include mayo with their Code Red Lifestyle™ eating drop weight, no problem.

The next step up, the “better” choice, would be to get a mayo made with avocado oil, and without the added chemicals. Avocado oil isn’t inflammatory.

The best choice would be to make your own, so it really would be just egg and oil.

See what I mean by good, better, best?

In this week’s What Do I Eat?, I’ll talk about a food I’ve been craving a lot lately, and reveal how I added a little variety to it. You’ll also hear more of my mayonnaise rant. Click the image below to check it out.