Top 3 reasons for a weight loss stall

Odds are, if you’re reading this, you’ve spent years struggling with your weight.

So when you make the decision to lose the weight and keep it off, that’s a really big deal!!

You feel energized, renewed, hopeful, motivated, committed.

Those first few pounds come right off, and it reaffirms that finally, after all these years, that weight you’ve been battling has met its match…

…and then it happens.

Your weight loss hits a plateau.

And you feel discouraged.

After all, the weight’s supposed to come right off, isn’t it?

If it doesn’t, then what’s the point of all this?

Look, the truth is that your weight loss will stall sometimes, even if you do everything perfectly. It’s just how it is, and accepting it will make reaching your goal a lot less frustrating for you.

But it’s also true there may be something actually causing the stall.

The top three reasons for a weight loss stall are…

1. Lack of sleep.

I have Rebels tell me, “Cristy, I don’t understand. I’m doing everything right. This shouldn’t be happening! I mean, I only slept four hours last night…but I don’t get why the scale won’t move!”

Anyone who says they’re not sleeping has just answered their own question.

Sleep is THE number one rule in weight loss, which means if you ain’t sleeping, you ain’t losing.

2. Lack of water.

Believe it or not, I don’t enjoy gagging down my water, either.

But I do it, because I know it’s good for me.

If you’re in weight loss mode and not getting ALL your water in, expect your weight loss to stall.

3. Being sloppy with what you eat.

“Just one bite here” and “just one bite there” adds up, so if you’re not mindfully managing the food you put in your mouth, you’re eating more than you realize.

The idea you can eat what you want, whenever you want, and as much as you want, and still lose weight, is a fantasy concocted by the diet and food industries to keep you fat and sick and buying their crap.

It doesn’t mean you live on one leaf of lettuce and a glass of water.

But running around nibbling on every bit of food you lay eyes on is an absolute no-go.

For more ideas on what might be causing your weight loss stall, watch my video below.

It’ll not only give you more tips about breaking a weight loss stall, it’s also packed with mindset help to get you through those days when your weight is isn’t dropping and you’re feeling discouraged.