Here are just a few of the many victories enjoyed by Code Red Rebels who TAKE THEIR LIFE BACK on the Code Red Lifestyle™. Enjoy!
S.R.: NSV… I went to see my travel agent to pick up travel documents yesterday. She said she didn’t recognize me and wasn’t even sure that was me. 35 pounds down has made a huge change in my body composition. She was amazed at my transformation. Guess who is looking into Code Red? My fourth friend in a month.
M.R. – My hands look at least 10 years younger – I keep staring at them.
A.K. – I can walk up the 4 steps of my daughter’s bunkbed facing forward-not sideways!
A.R. – Sat down to go potty, looked down, and to my surprise, no cellulite on my ankles!!
L.D.R. – Significantly FEWER stiff mostly white hairs sprouting unbidden from my chin/face.
S.W. – When I was walking the other morning I realized I was shuffling not actually walking. My first thought was now you’ve done it you got old overnight. Then I laughed because at 78 I am old but age had nothing to do with the shuffling, my feet have shrunk and my shoes were too big! So now get to buy new shoes yippee!
If these stories inspire you to live the Code Red Lifestyle™, start with the 10 Pound Takedown by clicking the red button below!