New to Code Red? Here are 3 ways to stop yourself from getting overwhelmed

Any time you get involved in something new, there’s obviously a ton of new information involved.

Whether it’s learning archery, software, knitting, or even a new lifestyle like Code Red, if it’s new to you, you’re at risk of feeling overwhelmed because of all the new information.

Overwhelm when you’re getting to know something new is all but inevitable IF you lack the right mindset about it (which most people do).

Quitting due to overwhelm, on the other hand, is NOT inevitable, even though it happens sometimes.

You just decide, “Oh, there’s too much to learn here. I can’t do this,” and give up.

That’s too bad, because quitting usually means depriving yourself of a result you want.

Depending on how you’re living your life now, Code Red might not be much of a shift for you, or it might be a complete overhaul of your food and habits.

Either way, in this article I’m giving you three ways to make sure overwhelm doesn’t get the better of you when you first join the Code Red Lifestyle™.

#1 – Take it ONE step at a time.

When you look at ALL the changes you’re making, it’s not a surprise you feel overwhelmed.

Instead of focusing on “everything you have to do,” dial it back and ask, “What’s the first thing I need to do here?” Pick ONE thing, take care of it, and cross it off your list. Then ask, “Okay, now what’s the next thing I need to do?”

Repeat this until you’ve taken care of everything you need to take care of.

Don’t worry about the steps beyond the one right in front of you. They aren’t going anywhere, and you ain’t gonna die if you transform everything this second, okay?

#2 – Don’t expect to nail it on the first try.

When you’re absorbing a TON of new information, not all of it is gonna sink in the first time you see it, hear it, or experience it.

Most people’s brains just aren’t capable of instantly absorbing EVERYTHING. You need time, and repeated exposure, to absorb it all.

Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get it right the first time. Do your best, but be patient with yourself. Some of it you’re gonna miss on the first pass.

When you come across something you missed, fix it and call it a day.

There’s no need to freak out and spiral into depression over it.

You aren’t gonna spontaneously combust, or gain 150 pounds overnight, just because you accidentally forgot one of the Code Red Rules To Consistent Weight Loss!

#3 – Practice, practice, and practice some more.

Make no mistake: It will take time and repetition to get the hang of the lifestyle, even if it’s got some stuff in common with how you already live and eat.

I can’t tell you how many people who’ve done multiple 10 Pound Takedowns tell me they enjoyed their second time through the challenge more than their first time through.

It’s because, on their first time through, they were busy trying to figure everything out.

On their second time through, they were way more familiar with how everything works, and it was easier to follow along.

Expecting yourself to nail it on the first try is a completely unrealistic expectation.

Do the best you can, for sure, but also give yourself time and practice to get better.

Soon enough, you’ll get used to the Code Red Lifestyle™, and it’ll feel easy and natural to follow…just like everything else you’ve done long enough to get the hang of.

So there you go: Three ways to stop yourself from getting overwhelmed when you join the Code Red Lifestyle™.

It’s okay if you feel a little overwhelmed, but don’t let it stop you. Use the tips I’ve shared in this article, and TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK!

Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet? If not, here’s how to get your account!

1) On your computer, create your account at

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.