“I’m just gonna fail again, so why try?”

A few days back, I drove to my cabin for a quick overnight stay.

I was worried about black ice, so I drove five (sometimes ten) miles under the speed limit for part of the trip.

It’s not because I didn’t trust myself to drive on winter roads.

I’m an Idaho farm girl who grew up driving all kinds of stuff in all kinds of weather. I trust myself to drive in any kind of weather.

What I didn’t trust was my car. It’s a Porsche, and it’s NOT suited for icy, snowy roads.

So, I piddled along  under the speed limit.

And then a car passed me.

And then another.

And another.

Sheesh, I thought. Either these drivers are nuts, or I’m being a little paranoid.

Finally, after EIGHT cars passed me (and they weren’t going that fast – maybe five miles over the speed limit), I decided that yes, I was probably being overly cautious.

So I drove the speed limit for the rest of the trip.

Hazel and I made it to the cabin just fine.

We’d have made it even sooner if I hadn’t been white-knuckle gripping the idea that there was black ice. 😂

If you’re thinking, “Yeah, Cristy, but there COULD have been black ice,” you’re not wrong.

But there wasn’t (this trip).

And it took me being passed by a whopping eight cars before I realized I was being overly cautious.

As humans, we do that sometimes. (Maybe a lot of the time!)

We either have a bad experience, or we just THINK we MIGHT have one, and we white-knuckle grip our fear to the point it cripples us.

I actually see this a lot in weight loss.

Someone is SO afraid of failing again that they won’t even try. They can’t bear adding to the “proof” that they’ll just fail again.

Most people who feel that way have zero clue that a huge part of the problem is how they see themselves.

See, they see themselves as someone with a weight problem.

They see themselves as someone who fails at weight loss.

So the easiest thing to do (in terms of effort) is to keep self-sabotaging, keep failing, or not even try…so that they maintain that familiar identity of someone with a weight problem.

But here’s the thing.

It doesn’t need to stay that way.

When the part of you that wants this weight GONE is consistently stronger than the part that keeps pulling you back into thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that keep you fat, you’ll get and keep the weight off. It’s inevitable.

Step one is to build that part of you up so it’s stronger than the part of you that wants to cheat and not give a crap.

If you’re not sure how to do that, head to www.21DayShift.com and sign up to be notified when the next 21-Day Identity Shift starts.

The Identity Shift is where I’ll show you how to make the you who wants the weight gone stronger than the you who wants to keep doing stuff that’s keeping you fat and sick.

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