“Calories in, calories out.” I know you’ve heard that lie as many times as I have.
But you can be hitting the gym and portioning your food, and STILL not see results. (You may even know this from personal experience.)
The biggest problem with “calories in, calories out,” is that it does not address the QUALITY of the calorie.
Calorie quality is incredibly important, because a food that’s low in calories, but causes inflammation and spikes insulin, leads to pain and disease in a lot of people, plus makes weight loss SUPER difficult (if not outright impossible).
Plus, a lot of today’s processed bullcrap food also completely screws up your hormones, and when those are out of balance, it leads to all kinds of problems (including weight gain).
For example, a lot of the junk we eat in today’s society causes us to be estrogen-dominant – men and women BOTH.
Men and women both have some estrogen in their bodies. It’s totally normal and healthy…so long as it’s present in normal and healthy amounts for that person’s gender.
But the mainstream American diet – along with chemicals in stuff like our shampoo – knock our hormones completely out of whack.
And when that happens, you end up with anything from moodiness, fatigue, PCOS (in women) and “man boobs” (in men).
The way we eat on the Code Red Lifestyle™ naturally balances hormones, and for a lot of people, that’s enough.
But for some people, it’s not.
To learn more about balancing hormones with Code Red (men and women both), and what to do if you need help beyond what eating Code Red-approved foods can do, use the link below to watch my video about estrogen’s role in your weight.