Are the “easy” weight loss methods (like shots) REALLY as easy as they seem?

It’s wired into our brains to find the path of least resistance…aka what feels easiest. 

It’s a survival mechanism to conserve energy in case you need that energy to fight or flee.

When it comes to what counts as easiest, it depends on the situation.

Sometimes doing nothing feels easiest.

When it comes to weight loss, sometimes doing something like Ozempic feels easiest.

But are either of those options REALLY as easy as they seem at first glance?

Let’s start with Ozempic.

Getting the weight off with Ozempic not only means stomach paralysis…

Which means your food can’t properly digest and your body can’t absorb enough nutrients from what you do eat (especially if it’s processed, nutrient-deficient junk food), so you’re basically slowly starving to death and getting sick…

But about 60% of the weight you lose is muscle.


That means if you lose 30 pounds with Ozempic, only about 12 of those pounds are fat.

The rest is actually muscle tissue…

Muscle tissue that helps you walk around your house, pick up your grandkids, burn more calories, and makes your clothes look and fit better. 

Plus, getting Ozempic shots does NOTHING to teach you how to get the weight off.

So the instant you stop the shots, you gain the weight back…except it’s ALL fat, so your metabolism is even lower (because you lost 60% muscle and gained back 100% fat).

Meaning, if you lose 30 pounds, and about 18 of those pounds are muscle and 12 are fat…

You gain back 30 pounds of pure fat.

The other option to try and prevent weight regain with Ozempic is to spend $1000 a month on the shot to help you “keep the weight off”…while making big pharma rich at the expense of your health…while slowly starving yourself because your body can’t get enough nutrients due to your paralyzed stomach…

All while puking and crapping your pants all day.

Doesn’t sound so “easy” when you think of it like that, does it?

As for doing nothing, yeah, it seems pretty easy at first glance, too.

Especially if you’re so beaten down that you’re numb and apathetic.

I’ve been there, so I get it.

And because I’ve been there, I also get how awful it feels to be THAT low. THAT disappointed in yourself.

To know, deep down, that you could be doing better…but you can’t bear to deal with that and risk disappointing yourself even more…

So you do nothing…and in so doing, you disappoint yourself to avoid disappointing yourself.

Again…doesn’t sound so easy when you think of it like that, does it?

Look, it’s TOTALLY okay if you’re scared of letting yourself down again.

It’s totally okay if you’re scared of failing.

(Given what you’ve been through, I’d be more surprised if you DIDN’T feel those things.)

As someone who’s been beaten into the ground and came out the other side, I can tell you with 100% certainty that I feel WAY better about myself when I go for it and fail than I do not even trying…

While secretly hating myself for not even trying.

Plus, I know that if I go for it long enough and consistently enough, I have to get there.

But if I stop trying, I NEVER will.

The same is true of you.

If you’re reading this, some part of you wants to get and keep the weight off.

You want EVERYTHING doing that will give you, including to feel good about YOURSELF.

So let’s do this, Rebel. 💪 Eat real food, drink water, and sleep. It’s not as easy as throwing back a shake, but it’s the easiest hard you’ll ever do.

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