If you’ve resigned yourself to obesity and disease just because of your age, I’ve got news for you:
Your obesity and disease aren’t happening JUST because of your age.
Yes, it’s true that our bodies change as we age. Skin starts to wrinkle and sag. It gets harder to pack on muscle instead of fat.
If you’re a woman, menopause hits, and with that comes permanent changes to your body.
But just because change happens when you age doesn’t mean ALL the change happening is BECAUSE of your age.
If you’re obese and riddled with disease, it’s likely that years of poor diet are catching up with you (or already have, and are continuing to destroy you from the inside out).
Reading this, you may be thinking, “Okay, Cristy, but how do you know it’s diet, and not just age?”
Simple. Because I work mainly with women in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and even some in their 80s.
And these women, when they consistently and correctly follow my nutrition program, the Code Red Lifestyle™, lose weight and feel better.
Physical problems start going away; and in some cases, disappear altogether. (Go to the success stories page on this website and read about it for yourself; or create your account in the Code Red network and read even MORE success stories there.)
It’s not uncommon for type 2 diabetics to, with their doctor’s supervision, be able to stop needing insulin (and for type 1 diabetics to need less).
It’s not uncommon for migraines to stop, or at the very least, decrease in frequency and severity.
Joint pain, digestive issues, mood swings, and a host of chronic conditions like plantar fasciitis and fibromyalgia…I’ve got Rebels who’ve experienced symptom improvements (or the symptoms disappear entirely) from eating how we eat on Code Red.
If they go back to eating how they were before, the symptoms come back (and so does the weight). It’s hard not to see the correlation between what they eat and what happens with their weight and wellness…
Again, regardless of their age.
Know what that tells me?
That “getting fat and sick” isn’t because of your age.
It’s because of what you’re shoving in your pie hole.
Please don’t lie down and accept that being fat and sick is your guaranteed fate JUST because of your age.
Give the Code Red Lifestyle™ a TRUE shot, and see for yourself what a difference the RIGHT foods, plus sleep, water, and a few simple rules, can do for your weight and wellness.
As we say on Code Red: TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK!
Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet? If not, here’s how to get your account!
1) On your computer, create your account at www.CodeRedLifestyle.com/App.
2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.