Rebel success story for the week of November 20, 2021

Boy was Lori hurting before she found the Code Red Lifestyle™ in November of 2020.
Besides carrying 195 pounds on her five-foot-tall frame, Lori was also dealing with…
❌ Degenerative discs in her back
❌ Inflammation throughout her body
❌ Lack of energy
❌ Terrible sleep
Lori, like many do, blamed her inability to lose weight on her age (57) and menopause. “I told everyone and everyone that I just couldn’t lose weight because my metabolism was slow,” she told me.
“But Cristy’s program proved to me just how wrong I was,” Lori added.
Before Code Red, Lori also had no idea that, in her words, “all the inflammation I felt in every part of my body was caused in large part by my diet.”
Lori lost 85 pounds and reached her goal weight – something she never thought possible. She also feels SO much better!
Lori even inspired her daughter, whom she describes as addicted to carbs and cheese, to try out Code Red, and her daughter is down 50 pounds so far!
➡️ A lot of people told Lori the weight “just seemed to melt off” of her.
➡️ And yeah, it definitely came off, as you can see from her photo.
It’s important to understand that Code Red is not a magic pill (although real food, water, and sleep are as close as you can get and still be sustainable).
It is, however, easier than you think. Lori’s suggestion to you is to go for it, because “The only thing you have to lose is weight. And you have everything to gain.”

Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet? If not, here’s how to get your account!

1) On your computer, create your account at

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.