It doesn’t matter what you KNOW – it matters what you DO

“I know what to do, Cristy!”

I get that a lot from people who stop participating in the Code Red community and try to “do it on their own.”

Look, you absolutely CAN do it on your own.

But the question I want you to honestly ask yourself is: WILL you?

Or will you flounder around in “knowing” what to do, without actually doing it?

Watch my video below to help you understand why, when it comes to getting your weight off, what you “know” means jack squat.

Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet? If not, here’s how to get your account!

1) On your computer, create your account at

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.