In a separate post I told you about a trip to replace one of my mom’s laying hens that my dog, Hazel, accidentally killed (because she played too rough with it).
Replacing Mom’s hen was the right thing to do for sure.
But it was not the easy or convenient thing to do, and here’s why.
Right now (March 2023) I’m training OVER 3 hours a day for my bodybuilding comeback on April 30, 2023.
I’ve got an energetic dog to exercise, a company to run, videos to record, VIP Rebels to talk to, employees to manage, laundry to wash, a house to clean, food to prep and eat, and plenty of random day to day stuff that comes up.
The very LAST thing I wanted to do in the middle of all that was carve out the time to drive 12 hours north (round trip) and stay the night in a dumpy hotel.
I’m glad I was able to find a replacement hen (three, actually), I’m grateful for the Rebel who offered up laying hens, and I’m glad Mom and I found a hotel that allowed dogs (even if we didn’t get the greatest night’s sleep).
AND, I didn’t want to make that trip, because I have so much on my plate right now.
But I did it, for one simple reason:
It was the right thing to do.
A lot of times we get this idea in our heads that the right thing to do SHOULD be the easy thing to do.
Hey, I don’t disagree! It’d be amazing if the right thing was always the easy thing.
And sometimes, it is.
But a lot of the time?
A lot of the time it’s the hard thing.
And we get so focused on the hard thing in front us that we lose track of the hard things we’re already dealing with.
Is it hard to completely change how you eat for the rest of your life?
Is it hard to put your Swannies on two hours before bed and prioritize sleep instead of stay out late drinking and partying (or stay up until 2 AM binge-watching Netflix)?
But you tell me: isn’t it also hard to be so heavy that you waddle when you walk, have to ask for the seatbelt extender every time you set foot on an airplane, and live a life where you’re physically NOT capable of participating in the activities you love?
Isn’t it also hard to wake up every day with head to toe “icepick” pain, brain fog, and a fistful of medication to gag down?
And isn’t it also hard to collapse on the floor of your master bedroom closet and cry because you can’t find anything that makes you look less heavy than you really are?
The right thing isn’t always the easy thing, and mistaking right for easy is a sure way to get stuck in a rut you can’t find your way out of.
If you’re avoiding the right thing because it’s the hard thing, understand that waiting for it to “feel easier” probably means waiting until it’s too late. Maybe you’ll get a second chance. I hope so. At the same time, not everyone does. I’ve seen that, and so have you.
As always, all I ask is that YOU be honest with yourself.
In this case, that means being 100% sure you’re really okay with kicking that can down the road again, and in so doing, waiting until it’s too late.