If you’re throwing away a lot of produce because you buy it fresh, you’ll appreciate what I’m about to say.
People are often shocked when they find out I eat frozen veggies, especially since we’re taught that fresh is best.
But in today’s world, that’s not necessarily the case.
First of all, studies show that frozen produce has just as much (if not more) nutrients than fresh produce.
How is that possible?
Let’s use an orange for an example.
The second you pick an orange from a tree, it begins losing nutrients.
If you get to eat it immediately after picking it from the tree, great!
But most of us aren’t doing stuff like that.
Instead, produce, like oranges, is picked, shipped, delivered to the supermarket, and put in the produce aisle…
Where it sits for who knows how long before you buy it.
And once you get it home, it may sit on your counter, or in your fridge, for days.
A lot of the produce we get in supermarkets is grown in other countries, then harvested and shipped to us…which means it’s off the plant that grew it for a LONG time.
The longer it’s away from that original plant, the more nutrients it loses.
Flash freezing produce, on the other hand–and keeping it frozen–locks in all the nutrients then and there.
Plus, frozen produce is often available at a lower price than fresh.
Bottom line: Don’t shy away from frozen produce when you’re shopping at the grocery store.
And for more info on why frozen produce is almost always superior to fresh in today’s world, watch my video below.