Question…do things just not feel the same to you since the pandemic?
Or maybe it’s even beyond that.
Maybe it’s you’re too exhausted and fried from the last two years to even notice whether things feel the same.
Could be you’re still scared, could be you’re now worried about the economy…and that’s consuming any bandwidth you have for anything “extra.”
Could be you lost people. Could be you lost your job, or your way of life.
Could be you lost the feelings of “safety” and certainty you had before the pandemic showed you what illusions they were.
Whichever camp (or camps) you fall into, I get it, because it’s not just you. I see it in a lot of people.
It’s not a big shock, when you think about it.
For nearly two years, we spent every day being pummeled with death and fear, shame and guilt, finger-pointing and judgment.
And when you live in a state of perpetual terror like that, it takes a toll.
It fries your nervous system.
When your nervous system gets super fried, and you don’t proactively seek out positive ways to rejuvenate yourself (or worse, rely on things like crap food, alcohol, pot, TV, or other destructive/escapist behaviors to “cope”), it’s gonna stay fried.
Maybe not forever, but for a LOT longer than if you did positive things to restore yourself.
I know it’s tempting to emotionally hide out and wait for things to fix themselves.
But as much talk as there’s been about “going back to the way things were” pre-pandemic, the truth is that there’s no going back to “the way things were.”
It’s a new day, and it’s time for a new way…a way where you stop waiting for someone else to figure it out so you can feel better…a way where you lead the way in your own life, and with your own wellness, by making it a priority.
You are the only constant in your life. You can’t count on the world to be recognizable, or fall into line the way you think it should, because you don’t control “the world.”
Oh, you can influence more than you think, especially when you start with you. Your example is the most powerful form of influence available to you.
But control the world? No, you don’t.
And the sooner you come to peace with that, and start focusing on what you do control–like what you eat and drink, and how you spend your time–the more stable and rejuvenated you start feeling.
The world isn’t what it was pre-pandemic.
The last two years have hyped you up into a constant state of fear, panic, and finger-pointing, and now you’re fried.
Restoration from that isn’t gonna happen by accident.
It’s gonna happen when you decide to focus on what will restore you, instead of waiting for things to “work themselves out.”
Take better care of yourself, and start spending time with people who aren’t so negative and down on things. There are uplifting people out there. (We’ve got thousands of them in the Code Red network.)
Get connected to uplifting people, and be a part of the rising tide that lifts all ships, instead of the tidal waves trying to take ships out.
Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet? If not, here’s how to get your account!
1) On your computer, create your account at
2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.